June Ratty Box
It’s been a hot summer so far, and you may hab seen the June Ratty Box Ice Cream Truck going around… today it came to our house so we got to hab some ice cream! I hab starberry flabor. They sell popsicles too, but I don’t recommend, they taste like a laba legde. Ew. Too crunchy. (Note: NOT a real popcisle – it IS a laba ledge, and a pretty cute one) You can use the Sprinkle treats to put on your ice cream, but I like to eat them straight out ob the bag. It also comes wiff a comfy bed to sleep off your ice cream coma – it’s berry soft. We thought about starting an ice cream bizness and dribing it around and selling ice cream, but we came to our senses and are eating it all ourselbes.
Fank you Ratty Box!
Did this inspire Waffles to make his ice cream cake?