Tag Archive for: truck

Hai Eberyone and Mom –  We are still dribing, and it’s the middle ob the night.   Cosmo is dribing now.  Don’t tell Bean, but Cosmo is a better driber.  We got a hunger so we pulled ober and got some burgers to go from Applebee’s.  I’m so happy!  Road trips are fun and we are habbing a great time.  We hab listened to “Marty and the Corms : Ears to the Ground Tour Libe at Red Rocks” elebenty times and it’s better ebery time.  Marty could really rock.  Milo & GiGi’s Green Beam Band is also excellent for the times when we want to wind down a bit.  Teddy is here and he says hai.

Don’t worry, we are habbing fun and being safe!  I lub you!  Dis Augie.

P.S. Wish you were here.

Augie did you sabe some for me???  dis Teddy.

Hai.  We are on the road to China.  Bean and Augie are dribing right now.  We take turns. One ob us has to be in the back because there isn’t room for eberyone in the front.  It’s kind ob fun watching all the cars go by, except sometimes Bean gets a little too close to the next lane.   It’s gonna be a long trip, so we hab lots ob snacks and good music.

I heard back from the Halloweem King berry fast, and he gabe me directions to this candy corm field, so I am here harbesting more candy corms!!  They are tricky to spot, but there are a ton ob them in here, and I just fro them in the back of the truck which works out great and dat way I don’t hab containment issues.

So keep looking in your socks and shoes, I might put a candy corm in there!!

Fank you to Amy Wagner for my snazzy Candy Corm Harbesting truck – it’s really handy!