Tag Archive for: MNN

Welcome to Friday Finkin’.  Dis Nickels Noteworffy, and I am here to share wiff you some ob the stuff I fink about.  Today I’m finkin’ about green beams.  I don’t like them, and I was finkin’ about why.  I lub peas, and you would fink they were pretty much the same, they are both green and you hab to take off the outside before eating them, but when you get to the beam, it’s just disappointing and then you fink about how you wish you had peas instead.  It’s kind ob a crushing blow to your soul.  I mean, you work so hard to get in there, and when you finally make it, it’s disgusting.

I hope I neber hab to eat them again.  I fink all the farmers that grown them should stop immediately and replant their crops wiff cotton camdy.  I hear cotton camdy only grows good in the souff, but eberybody who libs where it’s warm enuff should try it, because cotton camdy is so tasty and reminds you ob fun times at the county fair and the circus, and eben though it makes your hands sticky, it’s worff it, because you don’t hab to hab a whole baff, just wash your hands, which is ok, and you should do anyway because ob germs and stuff.  Maybe I hab the genetic fing that makes beams taste like soap.  Although one time there was a soap that smelled like banilla and I tasted it, and it was pretty good.  Sometimes you can’t trust your smell buds.  That reminds me ob that one time….

Apparently I’m out ob time, hab a great weekend eberybody and I’ll talk to you later.

Good afternoon, dis is Beesley Breeze reporting from our MNN offices here in the big building wiff all the antenneas and TB equiptment.  I am saddened to report that Teddy has once again been attacked and maintained some pretty serious injuries.  No witnesses hab come forward yet.  Teddy crime habs been on the rise this year, so please keep your eyes open for unusual suspects and stay bigilant against biolent crimes.  Teddy can only keep one eye open now, as he seemd to hab lost one.  If you see somefing like this happening, don’t interbene yourself, call nine-elebenty to get help wiff the situashun.  Teddy has been admitted into the hospital.  We will keep you updated on his condition.

In other news, it’s all pretty bad, so lets just not talk about it.  Be kind, gib your friends a hug and spread lub, just not cooties or the corona birus.  Back to you…

Hai, dis Nickels Nibmbostratus, reporting here for weather.  Some places it’s really hot, some places it gets cold at night.  It’s raining alot in the souff, but not other places, and then half an hour later it can all be different again.  Weather is hard.  I don’t fink I want to do dis.

Maybe I can hab an opinion segment on stuff I’m finking about.  Can I speak to someone in management?

Good Morning.  Dis is King Bean wiff the news.  Coronabirus fears are sweeping the nashun, causing a run on toilet paper and non-perishable foods.

Fings are getting weird. One report from Woodland Hills showed a bag ob frozen peas being thrown at someone in order to score a cheese burrito. Eberybody…please try to pull it together and be calm and nice to each other!  There are plenty ob burritos for eberyone.

During dis time ob uncertainty and caushun, it’s berry important to keep washing your hands, almost all the time.  You are supposed to wash them for at least 20 seconds and sing a song while you do it.  We thought you might be getting tired ob the song you are currently singing, so we made a new one for you.  It’s 40 seconds long so you can be sure to get all the germs and biruses off!

Augie, please roll the bideo…. (lyrics below)

Ok!  Here it is…

It’s WASHY-wash, not WISHY-wash
That’s the way you do it!
WASHY-wash, not WISHY-wash
Together, we’ll get fru it!

Grab some soap and use hot water
Let’s all play along!
Washing hands is lots ob fun
‘Cause you can sing dis song!

It’s WASHY-wash, not WISHY-wash
That’s the way you do it!
WASHY-wash, not WISHY-wash
Together, we’ll get fru it!

Twenty seconds ain’t so long
Be sure scrub boff sides
Palms and fingeys, don’t stop there
Tummy buttons, tails!
It’s WASHY-wash, not WISHY-wash
We know you can do it!
WASHY-wash, not WISHY-wash
Coronabirus—screw it!

Dis Bean Bluster reporting from the safety and warmff ob our studio on the progress ob Hurricame Michael. Micheal rapidly went from a big storm to a major hurricame causing lots ob wind and water to mess alot of stuff up.   Cosmo Cumulus is out on disability and Augie Abalanche passed on this assignment, so to bring you details from the scene in Huntsbille AL, is our bisiting correspondent Anubis Nimbus.  Take it away Mr. Nimbus.

Hai Eberyone.  Dis Anubis Nimbus.  I hab taken some MSOB online learning classes, and I eben had science classes wiff Milo Megadoppler and Phineous Phogg, I fink I hab learned some stuff, so I will report to you on dis hurricame named Michael.  The clouds are rolling in, it’s getting dark, but I’m going to push to the center of the storm, because that’s what Augie Abalanche would do.  Wish me luck.

The sky is getting darker… it hasn’t started raining yet… but I just wanted to show you the Space and Rocket Center because it’s cool and my dad works here.  My dad is Dr. Kebin.  Ok, back to reporting the weaffer stuff. 

We will be continuing our coberage ob dis hurricame until eberyone is safe and dry!  Tune to MNN for around the clock news and weather, except for snack time, it’s ok to take a break and get some snacks.  By the way, do you hab any good snacks there Chris?  Dis Augie Abalanche in Charleston SC signing off for a snack break.

Good ebening and fank you for tuning into the MNN network, the most trusted news source.  Dis is Cosmo Cumulus here and we hab a serious problem approaching the Carolinas, it’s a big twirling ball ob water and wind called Hurricame Florence.  Wiff a name like Florence, you wouldn’t fink she would be too scary, but she is, and if you are in the Carolinas, you should listen to your local officshuls and if they say GET OUT, then you should get out and go somewhere safe. Alot of rain, wind, sleet is coming your way berry soon.  Stay tuned for on locashun report from Augie Abalanche for up to the minute information.

A tip from a couple ob our biewers, Mowgli and Musket, say dat if your power goes out you can still open your freezer to get ice creams, but you hab to do it really really quick so the cold stays in.  OR I may suggest just eat all the ice creams as fast as you can before they melt.  No matter your strategy, make sure you hab some snacks, blankets and stay safe!  And make sure your pets are safe too.

We will be right back after this commercial break.  See you in two and two…





Good ebening! I am Milo Megadoppler wiff the 5 day forecast for the Netherlands. Or maybe it’s the stock report. Either way it looks pretty steady for the next week, so keep a sweater handy, watch out for your monies and you should be ok!

Hai Eberybody! It’s me, Fibbs Frost (dats my tee-bee name) wiff your weekend forecast for Souffern California. It looks like we hab more hots and humids wiff sunshine and for some reason we are squeezing Wednesday and Thursday into one day dis week. If you want us to gib you your forecast sometime, you can email FibbsFrost@gmail.com wiff your location and maybe next week we will do your weather! Or you can just look outside. ?#?FibbsFriday? ?#?FibbsFrost?