Tag Archive for: Bean

Hai eberybody.  Dis Bean.  I’m sorry, I had to go. It was time to see my brothers in Heaben.  They were all there waiting for me wiff starberry shakes.  Augie, Cosmo, Milo, Wimbley, Fibbs and Marty.  I wanted to gib you the news myself, because I want you all to know how wonderful it was to be your King, and eben though I am not on earff any longer, I will always be here in your heart and can still talk to you, and you can talk to me wheneber you need to, if you are down or just want to chat about snacks.

I tried to make it to my third birffday (I was looking forward to the cake, but it turns out there is all the cake you can want up here wheneber you want it!) but I just got tired.  It was an easy and peaceful trip and I was wiff my mom and dad the whole time.  I felt their love, and I always felt yours.

Talk to you soon.

Good thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds.

– Your King (dis Bean)

Dis me and my Dad hanging out on Fathers day.  He’s a berry noisy, but excellent Dad.

Guess what??  2020 calendars are abailable for pre-order.  3 ob you hab found ’em already!  Dis one will be in the Memes calemdar… you can find them all here:  Store ob Cute Fings

Images not yet finalized, but we’re close.  😉 .  Lots ob barieties dis year.

DESK Calemdars:   Snacks  •  Rats Who Art  •  Electshun Year (feat. Pres. Fibbs)

WALL Calemdars:  Rats Who Art  •  Memes (also mini size) •  Rats in Hats  •   Trabel & Adbenture (featuring the Hancker take down)

FANK YOU to those who joined us libe on YouTube for the premiere.  Here is the bideo and liner note lyrics in case you missed it.   xo Bean

Is dis the wheel life?
Is dere some fans for me?
Caught in a lamp
No escape from wee-ality
Open your eyes
Look up at Cosmo and sneeze
I’m just a poor Bean, I’d like some monies please
Because it’s easy corms, easy peas
A little more, if you please
Feed us when the wind blows, Augie needs some yogies you see, maybe cheese
Okay, dats enough! I’m done singing now.

I’m pretty sure Pants brought this rooting box ob wheat grass mostly for me.  She lubs me, and I lub her too!  But I shared wiff my brothers.  We all had a great time!!

Fanks @RatsHaveFeelingsToo!   I lub you Pants!


Has it happened yet for you?? How is it so far??

(Fanks to Eminence Preistley for our fabulous hat!)

For my birffday today, I want to gib eberyone kisses!!  Totally free!  But if you want to gib me snacks or presents, thats ok too.  Merry Christmas Birffday eberyone!!