We were out helping Fibbs wiff community relations in New Hamster, putting up posters and stuff and spreading his message, but I just had to stop for a break and I had a booberry icee!
Choose to be happy and do somefing fun today – or hab a nice treat!
We almost missed it! But there are a few hours left here where we are. Eben if it’s ober where you are, you can still hab some. Enuff people hab to participate so they will hab it again next year.
I am ready to come out ob my healing apartment!! Does anybody hear me?!?!
Hai everyone. It’s me, Wimbley, remember me? I’m stuck here in my healing apartment on account ob my Ebil Kenibel dare debil antics. Dats what dad says, anyway. I might hab to take it easy on my ninja mobes, but I got letters from ninja groups dat I was making dem look bad, so it’s probably best to tone it down a bit.
Pssst….scuse me…. Could you get me a snack?
My healing apartment habs really good room serbice! A guy could get used to dis…
Hai eberybody! I’m feeling better. Fanks for all your concern and good wishes. I’m getting a little ancy in here, I wanna come out and play!