Fibbs is busy wiff the election stuff, so today I am helping him file some paperwork for some ob the Fibbs Frostee Freeze (& Donuts!) franchises we are opening wiff all the bizness licenses we hab now. We hab some stand alone properties, and some are in the Marty Marts. Lots ob tax papers and goberment fings to file wiff the city.
Oh hai. Can you come back later? We are habbing a straegy session in here. K, fanks.
We hab our sock buddies and are ready for Monday! We can get fru dis together.
P.S. Fanks to Grandma Linda for making dis sock for us! xo
I hab a beam today… hmmmm… just like Martin Luffer King.
Sometimes we don’t always agree about the path to the White House, so we hab discussions about what to do. Dis one was about monies.