Oh hai.  Can you come back later?  We are habbing a straegy session in here.  K, fanks.

Since we were so close by after our bisit from Wyoming, we decided to come to Norff Dakota!  (The states are *almost* touching, you can see if you look on a map.)   Our dad is from Norff Dakota, so it’s too bad he couldn’t come wiff us dis time.   It’s a weally pretty state.  We bisited some farms and learned how they grow stuff.   I talked to eberybody in the state about boting for me for President. I fink they will, they were pretty excited by the free donuts.   Eberybody usually is.   Dad told us to hit up the BFW for a pamcake breakfast.  It was good, plus they had a lime jello salad wiff marshmallows floating in it!   I neber hab seen anyfing like it, but I’m going to see if mom will make us an orange one.

We bisited our new friends Lucy and Ethel and their mom Staci Dreyer in Grand Forks.  (Don’t tell the people there, but the forks there seemed pretty normal to me, not so grand or eben berry big)   Fank you ladies for the help wiff trabel and bizness!!

See which states we still need help wiff HERE.



Let’s just say after my encounter wiff a skyscraper in Chicago a few days ago,I wanted to go somewhere where I could stay on the ground!   We hitched up our trabel juice and went to Wyoming!  I spent some time wiff horses and riding the trails.  My horses name was Bob.  He was pretty cool and told some good stories.   Wimbley spent some time reading in the fields, and Milo bisited Debil’s Tower (just like on the bizness plate), and Milo asked me to tell you dat the landscape surrounding Debils Tower is composed mostly of sedimentary rocks. The oldest rocks bisible in Debils Tower National Monument were laid down in a shallow sea during the Triassic period, 225 to 195 million years ago. This dark red sandstone and maroon siltstone, interbedded with shale, can be seen along the Belle Fourche Riber. Oxidation ob iron minerals causes the redness of the rocks.   This rock layer is known as the Spearfish Formation.  I don’t know what he means, but he said you would fink it’s interesting.

For dinner we all met up with Bob and his friends and had a campfire and made some s’mores and beams.

Fank you Lori, Keith and Jabob Greem for the Wyoming bizness opportunity!!


Hai eberybody!   Dis Wimbley.   I am writing the recap ob our bisit to Illinois because Fibbs is too traumitized.   We had our trabel juice and went to Chicago.  I immediately went to Wrigley Field, because I lub baseball!   But no games yet dis year, so I guess I will hab to come back later, now dat we hab bizness license in Illinois, I can come back any time.   Milo was hungry, so he went looking for some food and found a shiny giant beam!   Not to eat, but it was neat to look at.    He found a pizza place near the beam, so don’t worry, he is not starbing.

So what happened to Fibbs?  Well, he went to Willis Tower to the Sky Ledge finking it would be a great place to gib a speech from to reach all ob Chicago at the same time, but when he got up there (103 floors up)  He started getting woozy and couldn’t eben look down.   After we got him down we all had a snack by the riber and came home.

Big fanks to Aaron and Charlotte Samuels for the Illinois Bizness License!!   Your fank you card and pics will be in the mail fing soon!
(want to help us?  See what states we still need)






We hab our sock buddies and are ready for Monday!   We can get fru dis together.

P.S. Fanks to Grandma Linda for making dis sock for us!  xo

Hai!  Dis Milo.  I went to the launch pad today to check out eberyfing and make sure the space behicle is in top form.  During inspekshuns, we found dat one ob the rocket blasters has a problem, so not sure if we can fix it, or will hab to build a new spacepod.  I am preparing for my first space flight, and testing all the stuff to make sure it’s safe.   It will be nice when Fibbs is president and can gib us more monies for the space program!


Yesterday we used some trabel juice and went to Oregon for bizness.    You will neber guess who inbited us up there…. our old friend Gourdon!   Yep, he is doing well and making friends in the state just above ours.  Crazy huh?  He eben has a girlfriend now.   I hab attached the letter so you catch up wiff Gourdon yourself.   Of course I had to bisit BooDoo Doughnuts in Portland for some weird and yummy donuts!  I had a McMinnville Cream doughnut, filled with Bavarian cream, topped with maple frosting and a set of eyes and mustache!

Milo went to the Science Factory in Eugene, and Wimbley went ahead to the farm to meet wiff Gourdon and met all his new friends including Pete Aytoe (Tom’s brother) and his friend Bo Vine.   After our site seeing, we all met up at the farm and had a lubbly afternoon with Gourdon and his pals.   Fank you so much Gourdon for getting us in bizness there – it was great to see you again buddy!    I’ll be back to bisit when I set up some Fibbs Frostee Freeze locations.



