Oh my gosh you guys – we almost had a bad trabel diasaster!   Milo made such a tasty trabel juice for our trip home from Paris, ok, maybe I drinked too much ob it, and didn’t leab enuff for Milo and Wimbley so we didn’t make it all the way home.  We had to crash land in Illinois for awhile to make more trabel juice!  Fank goodness Anne Marie Smiff had dis bizness license waiting for us so Milo could use the science lab inside the giant beam.   Forget I said dat, I don’t fink you are supposed to know dat was in there.   Anyway, we got more juice and are on the way home now.    Fank you Anne Marie for your help!


Bon Jour and pass the chocy croissants!   (those are like French donuts, I fink).   We had a little extra trabel juice and took a trip to Paris!   They hab great cheese here, you should try it.   We climbed up the Eiffel Tower and the view ob the city was spectacular from up there!   I eben went up with my bruffers because I had on the magic hat dat makes me not afraid ob heights.   What fun!

Fank you to Amy Wagner for getting us these licenses for trabel!


How many Milos do you see!??  No more green beer for you.  Call an Uber and hab some coffee!   I fink you might be a little drunk…

Fibbs is busy wiff the election stuff, so today I am helping him file some paperwork for some ob the Fibbs Frostee Freeze (& Donuts!) franchises we are opening wiff all the bizness licenses we hab now.    We hab some stand alone properties, and some are in the Marty Marts.   Lots ob tax papers and goberment fings to file wiff the city.

On the trail again for Super Tuesday 3 – kissing hands and shaking babies and gibbing out donuts.   Fings are looking pretty good out dere, it was nice to meet some ob you today, fanks for taking a break from your nap to bote for Fibbs!   Time to meet up wiff my brothers and hab dinner.

Show your support of the Peace.Love.Donuts campaigm wiff a spiffy shirt

It’s important to get a good night sleep.  I hab another big day of campaigming tomorrow is Florida, Norff Carolina, Missouri, Ohio and Illinois.   I hope they like donuts.    Most people seem to.

Just a few more days to order your Fibbs for President shirts.    Join the mobement!    Art by Jillian Altmeyer ob Squidbrains – you should like her page, it’s got cute stuffs!

















I hab a piece ob ice cream, but it’s berry tricky to eat.  It’s really cold to hold it, it freezes your hands,  so you hab to hold it…den not hold it… hold it….den not hold it.   But it’s worff it.

Hai Eberybody.  Dis Milo.   Don’t forget to move your clock forward one hour tonight!   You can use time trabel juice if you hab it.  Unless you lib somewhere where you don’t do dat, then you can still do it to your friends just to make dem early to stuff and hab a good laugh.

It’s all because ob the shady chickens.   You just hab to do it.