“Wimbley!! Wait up! I runned out ob gas! Don’t leabe me here in the dark!! “
Fank yoo New York! Another sweep for the donutratic party in New York state tonight. But New Yorkers like their donuts, so I’m not too surprised. Fanks for getting out to bote!!
We are ready for our bweakfast. Whatcha got?
In order to escape Monday, we took a little trabel juice and headed ober the pond to the UK! It was a really really big pond. I fink perhaps whoeber made dat up named it wrong. Anyway, it was our first bisit here so we toured around a bit. I went to Buckingham Palace, you know, for a courtesy bisit, since I will soon be in charge. I brought the Queen some donuts, but nobody was home. These guys in big furry hats were real grateful for the donuts though.
It was fun riding around on the big red bus, and we ended up in Newcastle Upon Stratforshire on Avon to meet Hannah and her friend Ham Solo. Fank you so much for the licenses and inbiting us for tea! We’ll hab to come back sometime. So much to see. Plus we hab lots more science fiction and space stuff to talk about wiff Ham Solo.
You can neber be too prepared when you go to space, so I’m calculating my plans and reading up on Grabitation and stuff. I’m looking forward to taking my first test flight soon! The big bastness ob space awaits dis little ratstronaut….