Hey, guess what!?  It’s fudge bar Friday!   It’s so cold…but it’s yummy…it’s so cold…but it’s yummy…it’s so cold….but it’s yummy!

OMG!  From far back I thought dis was the biggest most amazing donut eber!!  Well, maybe it’s not, but turns out it’s not a bad place to hab a nap.   It’s important in life to look at fings positibly.

It’s important to stay sharp on your bizness skillz.   Managing diribitibs and maintaining mastery ob the red stapler is crucial.


We hab enjoyed relaxing after the squirrel adbenture, but Fibbs needed to go bisit West Birginia today to campaigm for the cactus, so I grabbed my trabel hat, and we took some trabel juice and off we went!   Fibbs bisited a bunch ob the towns there making sure he got the botes, and everyone seemed to respond to his message.  I had a chance to go to the libary and take a walk in the woods – it’s so beautiful here.   Milo did a Q&A in Charleston for Fibbs to help him out.   Someone told us we are allowed to take roadkill home for supper, but we opted to go to the local diner instead and had some yummy taters and corms.

Fanks Shirley Loftin for helping get bizness here!!   Ok, let’s go bungee jumping now on the riber!!


Tonight we hab a starberry and kale salad for dinner!   It was yummy and it looked pretty too.  Fibbs said it was better than squirrel salad for sure.


Coast is clear… we are going home!!   P.S.  Dis Fibbs talking.   I did not enjoy being kidnapped, but all fings being equal, the squirrels were pretty nice aktually.  They were sorry they had to go about fings the way they did, but they really needed my help, and since I am leading the donutratic party and look like the front runner for President, they wanted to talk to me about helping dem wiff top secret squirrel issues.   They didn’t mean to scare anyone by dissappearing me like they did, but they were afraid I won’t come if they just asked.  They treated me well.  I got to pack a bag, and they gabe me lots of snacks and eben probided me wiff a sock.  I met wiff lots ob the top lebel squirrels in the organizashun and helped dem figure out important policy issues and ways to mobe forward dat will benefit them and eberyone else.  I can’t say too much about the details, but I am assured to hab the squirrel botes in the election, their complaints were all balid and I will help them fix fings when I hab the power.    I’m exahusted and ready to sleep in my own cozy cup tonight!   Wimbley and Milo said all ob you offered your help and support to help find me.  I really appreciate dat!   You can still send all the extra corms and donuts for my ransom if you want to.



Hey guys!   Come on… let’s go!  I’m ready to be home!

There he is!! There he is!!  We hab eyes on the target.   Proceed wiff caution as we approach.   Squirrel to the left….do you see him?  “Fibbs!  Fibbs!  Are you ok??”


“Breaker breaker, ground patrol, you got your ears on?   I fink I see him… I’m coming down.”