Tonight seems like a good night to try again to watch for aliems.   You know what they say.  If at first you don’t succeed, and they come take pictures wiff you while you’re sleeping…. try, try again.  I have a box of donuts to share wiff them.   I will just be waiting here.   I’m as close as I can get to outside, but they come inside too, it doesn’t really matter.   Walls mean nuffing to them.

Wait! Did you hear dat?!

Nope, just Fibbs.    Back to waitin.

Ill just be here if you need me.

We are all gonna take turns….




I heard it takes a lot ob studying to be a an official HeroRAT, about 9 months… so I better get started!   I turned my mobile libary into a training center, so you can learn more about it too.     The study guide is kind ob heaby, dats how you know it’s serious.

Today is Chocy wiff Almonds Day!  We each got to take a bite ob mom’s Dub dark chocy wiff almonds so we could celebrate the day.   Go find some, it will make your day a bit happier.   For reals.  It works.


Fanks to our friend Jayne up in Camada – she sent us two new beds!  One is for the corner ob our office, and the other one is a nice comfy rectangle box!   Milo has inspecked and determined they are scientifically sound and berry well made.   I hab inspeckted them and made sure in honor ob Dexter (cuz his mom made these), this bed is a No Broccoli zone!  If you need some scientific, broccili free hammocks (100% BLO free), you can get them here:   Dexter’s Creature Comforts

Fanks Jayne!!

In case you habn’t dis bideo, dis is Dexter…



Fank you Nicola Newington from Camada for these donuts!


We hab an Internashunal bizness license from Quebec!   It’s always good to to bizness in Camada, since it’s our neighbor to the Norff plus we can dribe there.  We went for Camada Day, and you finked we forgot about it.

Fank you so much Carolym Gauvim Hum for setting us up in Quebec.  You want to work at the Fibbs Frostee Freeze & Donuts when we open one there, eh?

WE NEED YOUR HELP!   To finish our bizness, we need the following states… can you help us?  You will get photos and a collectible fank you card from your faborite boys.  (It’s us, in case you were expecting the Beatles or somefing)

Alabama – Alaska – Connecticut – Idaho – Kentucky – Mississippi – Missouri – Nebraska – New Mexico – Washington DC

Then I took off my chef hat and we eated it!

fibbs_whcookie  wimbley_whcookie

It’s done!  Did you know dat frosting can double as glue??  It does.  Milo showed me dat part.   It was frustrating at times, putting the roof on was hard.  But I finally finished my white house cookie!   Dis is what my new house is gonna look like.  But it will be bigger ob course.  Can you see the donut room??    fibbs_whitehouse2a
fibbs_whitehouse3  fibbs_whitehouse4


Happy 4th ob July!  We hab been celebrating for a couple days now, so let’s get on wiff the fireworks and hab a nap.    P.S. Fibbs for America and donuts for eberyone!

P.S.  Fibbs for America and donuts for eberyone!    (Fibbs campaigm buttons abailable HERE
