Deer Diary – All my friends hab giben me hope, so I won’t gib up! I am taking my plea to the MNN airwabes. I made a commercial today, to call for help.
“If you see a UFO or any Aliems in your house or neighborhood, please call 1-800-555-UFO. Your call is toll free, and you can remain anonomouse. BUT WAIT…. there is more… if you call now, you will also receib a deluxe toaster oben if your tip pans out. (*not a guaruntee, you pay shipping and handling)”
I fink dis might work. Hope springs eternal. P.S. Dis Wimbley.
I’ll be waiting for your call.
Aliem beacom is working!! It’s on! It’s on!!
Deer Diary – Night three of the aliem lookout projekt. Donuts are gone, and so far we habn’t had any signs of aliems. Tonight I am breaking out the big guns (not really guns) my aliem beacom detecktor debice. When I turn dis on, aliems will be drawn to it, or at least they be curious and come see what dis is. I hope it doesn’t take long, snacks are harder to come by at the lookout stashun. Ok, dat’s all.
P.S. Diary in case you were wondering, dis Wimbley.
Wimbley is still on aliem watch, but Fibbs and I are going to show APOPO dat we can detect TB and help sabe people too. We have good sniffers! We can be Hero Rats, just the American smaller bersion wiff superhero capes and a science lab. I fink we let them stick to finding the landmines.
Watch dis bideo from APOPO to see what it is we are doing….
Deer Diary – Dis is day two ob my Aliem lookout. So far nuffin. It’s really hard not to eat all the donuts while I’m waiting. It’s eben harder to keep Fibbs from eating them. I remain hopeful we will see some aliems soon! I hab the Space Marty statue here wiff me so they don’t feel intimidated or scared. I wonder if aleims work on Mondays. P.S. Dis Wimbley.