Deer Diary – It’s my last night wiff the aliems. Today I met their leader and he took me on a tour ob the whole ship. We had a great feast then I read them a couple stories and had a discusshun about the book.   They seemed to really enjoy it.   They shared a few stories wiff me too.  What a great time we had!  Milo and Fibbs aren’t going to belieb dis!  P.S. Dis Wimbley. 





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Today we went on a space adbenture and said hi to the guy in the space shuttle. He sure looked surprised to see us! P.S. they didn’t hab any inbisible helmets so I had to use a regular one.

Deer Diary – I hab been wiff my new aliem friends for a couple days now and we are habing such a great time!  I fink people hab the wrong idea about them, they aren’t scary or anyfing and they habn’t probed me eben once. Larry says dat isn’t eben true. Tomorrow they are going to introduce me to their leader, I’m looking forward to that! Today we had an aliem Christmas picnic. Their snacks are a bit different and weird, the chef made somefing called Pre-Nutritive Squeeg Paste. So I just had a danish.    P.S. Dis Wimbley.

Wiff Wimbley in space and Fibbs getting ready for the Donutcratic conbenshun, I’ll just hab dis residoo all by myself and plot the next mobes for my ebil robot army.   Hab any of you seen them yet??

Hai Eberybody!   Dis Wimbley.   Can you hear me??   Here I am wiff my new friends in their spaceship!!   It’s a real live space ship wiff twirly noises and all the fings I hab read about.  They heard me trying to contact them, and they picked me up and we are going for a space ride!   Dis is amazing.  They are all berry nice, and have really tasty snacks like beef jerky and dried ice cream.   I’m habing a great time!    We hold hands and sing songs and play games.   I wanted to let you know I’m ok and will be home in time for our Comic Con panel on Sunday.   I gotta go now.  Larry is ready to take me on a space walk.

We are receibing an Intergallactic Space Message, but seem to be experiencing a little technological problem.   Please stand by to recieb transmission.

Hai, dis Fibbs. We heard noise and went to check on Wimbley – he’s gone! We checked the bideo monitor and saw dis bideo, and all we found was his trabel hat left behind! I know he was excited to meet the aliems, but didn’t fink dis would happen….

I hear somefing!!  I hear somefing!!   I fink they are coming… I hab my bags packed and my trabel clothes on in case they want to take me on a space aliem adbenture.  Oh, I hope dis is really going to happen!!

Deer Diary –

I’m still waiting for any signs or bisitors.   It’s dark.   My brothers have gone to sleep and I keep hearing scary noises, but I’m going to be brave stick it out.   Wait…what was dat?!   Shhhh.   Did you hear it?  Dat sounded like a monster for sure.   I better not turn my back to the closet.   Maybe I should find a flashlight.  Or a sock to turtle in.  I hope these aliems are worff all dis trouble.     P.S.  Dis Wimbley.