We went norff to Alaska!! It’s cold here, so we hab our hats on. We had lunch at a cute little diner in dis town. Great smashed taters!! Milo went to see the glaciers and measure them wiff all the other scientists. I fink he’s counting Eagles too.
Fibbs is bisiting the Kroschel Wildlife Center in Haines. It’s an amazing place! They hab moose and porcupimes, and wolbes and minks and bears and hawks and you can hug the moose. And the mink likes jelly, so I fink they could be friends. I bet he likes jelly donuts. Fank you SOOO much Shirley Loftin for the Alaska bizness trip. You hab a free donut card at all Fibbs Frostee Freeze and Donuts locations worldwide!
We are soooo close to habing all the states. We still need Alabama, Connecticut, Idaho, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska and mom is getting us Washingtom DC. So we only need seben more! You get prints of our adbenture to your state and a fancy fank you card when you help us! Won’t you help us??
Guess who put on their trabel clothes and went trabeling again??? It’s me! Dis Wimbley. We are in New Mexico today. Milo went to check out some rocks that look they have UFO’s balancing on top. Larry said that was so silly, their ship doesn’t really look like that, but Milo says it’s a scientific anomaly and wanted to see it for himself. Fibbs stopped at a truck stop to do some campaiming and probably get a few snacks too. I am checking us into our motel for an obernight stay, and tomorrow we are headed to Alaksa!! Fank you so much to Shirley Loftin for your help wiff bizness. Come bisit us later and we can hab room serbice and go for a swim. It’s kind ob like habing a baff, but more fun.
We only need 8 more states for full Internashunal Bizness status – please help so Marty will be proud ob us!