Hab you seen all the crazy fings people are saying about Fibbs and dis baff scandal on the Interwebs?! It seemed like a non-story to me, but dis is ridiculous, he just wanted to be clean! I guess ebery political electshun has it’s scandals, but we will be up all night dealing wiff these crazies.  It’s just a baff people!  Habn’t you seen a wet rat before??  Someone must be jealous dat is has such a big lead in the polls.

Is an outside source trying to “sink” Fibbs campaigm??

Dis Wimbley reporting from my space pod. I’m feeling pretty good! All fings considered I am doing great. I’m back to my space pod actibities and general stuff.  The calemdars will be arribing tomorrow so we will help mom get those in the mail fing. (if you want to order one, you can do it here. They are good for keeping track ob Internashual Bizness stuff) I am reading a good book about reading books. Its kind ob meta. Mom still feeds me special cereal and Milo and Fibbs gets jealous (haha!) and I still get icky meds, but I’m back on rat block too. Dats whats going wiff me, what’s going wiff you?



One last leg ob our trabels today to Alabama.  Milo bisited the US Space & Rocket center in Huntsbille AL, because he still wants to go on a great space adbenture, but he is habing problems wiff getting his ship built. When I’m president, I’ll speed dat up for him. It’s all about funding, manpower and diribitibs ob accounting which I can work out.  Gene Kranz get your new best ready because we will soon be “go” for launch!

Wimbley is a big fan ob U2 so went to a bridge known for Bloody Sunday, but we found out it isn’t about the song, or Bono, so we kept going and had lunch downtown.  I had corms and soup, and I will tell you dat our serber was one ob the nicest ladies I eber met. She gabe us free seconds on our snacks when she found out who we were and told us where to find the best donuts in the state.

And that is the 50th state!! We are now licensed for Bizness in all ob them!!  A HUGE FANK YOU to Shirley Loftin for Alabama and to EBERYONE dat helped us reach dis goal. Trabeling wouldn’t be fun wiffout you. Donuts for eberyone!!



After we eated all the taters we could, we trabeled to Kemtucky to see some horses and do some bizness in the bluegrass state (dat’s Kemtucky).  The horse farms are so pretty, and they are really nice to us. We got to praktice riding wiff some ob the jockeys dat ride the horses in the races – they went FAST!  My secret serbice team didn’t like dat, so we didn’t do it berry long, but we hung around the stable and the horses shared some of there oats wiff us.  I did some campaigming in Florence where they are really excited to hab a Fibbs Frostee Freeze and Donuts next to their Marty Mart!

Fank you Shirley Loftin!  Next up… Alabama Bizness!



We got some great mail wiff bizness stuff in it from our good friend Shirley, so we took some trabel juice and went on the road!  Our first stop was Idaho, because TATERS!!  Our only stop was the Idaho Tater Museum, to bisit all the kinds ob taters, and sample a few.  We met wiff local councilman there about opening a Fibbs Frostee Freeze and Tater Donut shop.  Fings are looking good for dat to happen!

Did you know… in October 1995, the potato became the first begetable to be grown in space. NASA and the University of Wisconsim, Madisom, created the technology wiff the goal of feeding astronauts on long space voyages, and ebentually, feeding future space colonies.  Matt Damon later showed dat in a mobie about Mars and grew taters furtilized wiff his own poop.  Tater science!!

Fank you Shirley Loftin!!  Free tater donuts for life for you!!



Me and Fibbs had to take a baff today, and Wimbley got to stay in the house and write a poem.  How is dat fair??  Although, scientiffically speaking you do get 3.4657 more kisses when you are clean and good smelling.

