Only a couple more days of campaigming – we are excited to have it ober and done wiff so we can get on wiff the important stuff of donuts and fun!
Technically yesterday was Natshunal Donut Day, but eberyday is donut day really.
We’re habbing a late night stategery sesshun.
It’s me Wimbley. Fings are really gearing up around here for the electshun next week, we will be so glad it’s ober soon. We are working hard on a commershul for Fibbs to swing a few last minute undecided boters. Oh… gotta go, mom is here wiff my cereal!
I did it! Tonight we went tricker treating again, and I went to that house that stole all of Fibbs candy, and I looked them right in the eye, and I said “you can’t steal my brothers candy – that was a dirty trick you played on him – you gib it back right now!” And you know what?? They did! Plus a bunch more. Sometimes you hab to stand up to bullies, especially when candy is on the line. We all had so much fun dressing up as corms and all ob us did great tonight – we hab more candy then we know what to do wiff. I guess we eat it. Right??
Dis me, standing up to the bullies…