(The guests are starting to arribe… Larry is here, and I see Gourdon stepping out ob his car.)

The time is almost here and we aren’t done setting up yet! We need to hurry… no time to chat. See you soon for the big ebent. Hab a donut while you wait. There should be plenty!

More ebent coverage to come!

It’s almost time for the offishul ceremony to swear Fibbs in as President, so I am putting the cameras up so it can be on tee-bee and the Interwebs. All this IT stuff is kind ob hard.

Anyone know how to turn this fing on?

Usually there is only one Speaker ob the House in goberment, but we hab TWO!  I am proud to announce my picks for the new offishul Speakers ob the House, which is a berry important job.  Fank you to Creatib for supporting me and the Donutcratic Party wiff our bision of happiness, donuts and good music for eberyone.

No matter what music you like, it can be slow and mellow…

Or you can really jam out. Dis sounds great and they come in patriotic colors too. Who knew legislashun can be so fun?! Come on eberybody, sing along!!

We are busy preparing for the ceremony to make Fibbs officsul President, eben though he has been President for a couple months already, dis party is protocol, and keeping wiff traditshun is important.  I am preparing the oats ob office as part ob the swearing in process.   Yep, I fink it’s good.

I hab spent alot ob time dis week in my Presidenshul Finkin’ pillow, and it’s a little stressful. Although I am already President, the ceremony is dis week, and I still hab to make all my cabinet announcements and write my speech, so I fink I need some extra snacks and hugs to get me fru dis.  “Hey, secret serbice!  Please bring the donuts in here!”

If you are scared or lonely you can bunk in here wiff me.  It’s bigger than it looks, and usually mom gibs us snacks.

The gifts from foreigm diggity taries hab started to arribe.  Today we got greem beams from the Ambassador ob Lima, Peru.  You would fink they would send lima beams, but they were greem beams.  Go figure.