I took a little trabel juice yesterday and went to Marty Gras down in New Orleans because I heard they hab a king cake, which I thought would be berry big cake, but it was just normal size cake wiff a plastic Jebus in there and I almost chipped a toof on it. I bisited my uncle, had some beignets, which are kind ob like donuts, and got some beads.
I can’t tell you how. It’s not berry Presidentshul. 😉
Ok, well sort ob. We were too young to remember what day we were born, and mom doesn’t know, we just know it’s early February sometime, so we had cake earlier dis monff to celebrate – before Fibbs surgery. Our “gotcha” day is March 11th, so we get to hab cake again for dat too! It was really good cake.
Remember Baby, the Spaghetti Rat? I wanted to try dat too! Apparently Baby didn’t hab any brothers.
Dr. Kebin Grazier came all the way from New York to consult wiff Milo on his new book – and make sure he got all the science right, also our mom did some of the graffics in there – Milo said those were impressive. After reading and doing some calculashuns and reflecting on what he just read….
“Yep Kebin – you did great on the science, and the Hollywood parts too! Good job. I gib it two little thumbs up.”
Dis is Jayne, the Canadian Ambassador, dis MM, and dis Dr. Kebin. We all had donuts to celebrate.
Yesterday I had my first Norff American Conference talks wiff embassador Jayne Stanfield ob Canada. (She is Dexters mom – the rat who hated brocolli) and she came wiff a dozen ob Randy’s Donuts, so the negotiashuns were off to a great start. We gab her a hat. I fink we hab a berry specshul relashunship wiff Canada, and will continue do so. We talked about building a wall between our two countries, out ob donuts, so it would be fun to get from one side to the other, and back again. But we decided it might waste too many donuts, so better just to gib them out at the border. We discussed a few more issues I can’t talk about, because it’s secret, but don’t worry, it’s all good fings. They might want to take the upper part ob Michigan back, but we hab two parts, so I said “I would fink about it, eh.” I fink she was joking though.
Fank you for bisiting Jayne, and bringing us the donuts. I look for to talking Internashunal Bizness wiff you again.