Don’t bother me.  I’m watching Kermit.

Is Monday ober yet?!   Dis was a looong one, are you sure it’s safe to come out now?

I got my trabelin’ clothes on, and ready for an adbenture!

Soooo….where we goin?


I hab a new fort.  Maybe dis time I will let girls in, I habn’t decided yet.

Good day minions!  Dis is Fibbs Frost wiff the weather forecast for Los Amgeles and Oramge County.  Today I’m joining you from the beach because eben though dis week will be the first day ob fall, it’s going to be a week full ob hots here like summer.  Humid thunderstorms are possible mid week which will make eberybody cranky, so we’re going to need some donuts.  Not like the kind that will get all melty wiff frosting, eben though those are the yummiest, but they will make a big mess.  Maybe some of the round ones wiff powder dat are melt proof.  So keep your umbrellas handy to keep your donuts dry!   And maybe a fan to keep dem cool.

Um phum prat ehr furfur ferwher….. wight?!   Hahaha!!

When I escape to the roof to contemplate the next adbenture and fink, I like to hab a snack to nibble on.  It makes the finkin go better.  #WimbleyWednesday

Exercise wiff your snacks and den you can hab an extra bite!  #WimbleyWednesday

Lunch break!   When doing bizness you hab to stay strong.   Dat is bizness basics 101.