How many Milos do you see!?? No more green beer for you. Call an Uber and hab some coffee! I fink you might be a little drunk…
Hai Eberybody. Dis Milo. Don’t forget to move your clock forward one hour tonight! You can use time trabel juice if you hab it. Unless you lib somewhere where you don’t do dat, then you can still do it to your friends just to make dem early to stuff and hab a good laugh.
It’s all because ob the shady chickens. You just hab to do it.
Hai! Dis Milo. I went to the launch pad today to check out eberyfing and make sure the space behicle is in top form. During inspekshuns, we found dat one ob the rocket blasters has a problem, so not sure if we can fix it, or will hab to build a new spacepod. I am preparing for my first space flight, and testing all the stuff to make sure it’s safe. It will be nice when Fibbs is president and can gib us more monies for the space program!
Which way is the ballot box? I am ready to cast my bote for Fibbs! He had me at “Peace. Love. Donuts.” He is my brother, but also his theory is based in science. Plus I fink the White House probably has really good snacks.
Scotland weather brought out the best in my whisker display technique. The nearby judges gibbed me a 10.