Milo:  “Our friend Theodore San-Miguel sent us a bunch ob Fibbs campaigm buttons he made himself!   He is great at bizness and stuff, he has helped us before.  Don’t be fooled though, dis is not a real donut.  You can’t eat it.”

Fibbs:  “Milo, don’t tell anybody I’m here, I’m hiding.  No one can see me.”

Fanks so much to Theodore and his mom and dad.  A few days ago he went to be wiff Marty to help wiff Heaben bizness.   xo

Hey, guess what!?  It’s fudge bar Friday!   It’s so cold…but it’s yummy…it’s so cold…but it’s yummy…it’s so cold….but it’s yummy!

Tonight we hab a starberry and kale salad for dinner!   It was yummy and it looked pretty too.  Fibbs said it was better than squirrel salad for sure.


“Breaker breaker, ground patrol, you got your ears on?   I fink I see him… I’m coming down.”

I am on the way to the coordinates now, we hab our support team wiff walkie talkies so we can stay in contact.   “Air Milo to Rat Patrol…. we are t-minus 10 minutes to the location.  Commencing grid search in the norffeast quadrant ob the park.  Alpha one-nanner, ober and out!”

Dad is helping me wiff my pre-flight check.  I am a little nerbous, but we are ready to do dis!!   Chummy is adbising and gives the thumbs up for launch.   Here we go….

Tonight we are habing a good dinner to build up our strength for tomorrow, and talking strategy for our retriebal ob Fibbs!   Lots of offers for corms, donuts, and snacks to add to the ransom pile.  Fanks eberyone!   Better get a good night sleep so we can be on our toes when dealing wiff those squirrels!

I hope eberybody is doing good today.  Fanks to all ob you dat are looking for Fibbs where you lib.  Ebery place we can eliminate helps.  No other clues hab appeared, and no communicashuns from the squirrels.   On the bright side…. we got a package today from our friend Gigi and her mom.  There were cards in there for all ob us, and eben tho Fibbs isn’t here we opened it anyway.  He would want us to.  She sent us lubbly cards, a box of eberlasting donuts (!?!?) dat Gigi and her borthers Bug and Pickles made, plus a couple Star Wars hammocks for May 4th day.   WOW!   Dats so cool.  Here are a few pikturs ob us.    Fank you Traci Bouwens, GIGI, Bug and Pickles!!  xoxo  I’m sure when Fibbs sees it, he will lub it to.   If we can get him back…





But we are still worried about Fibbs and after I hab dis snack and turtle in my new Star Wars hammock from Gigi, we will continue our search.


Don’t worry – we do not take dis kidnapping fing lightly.  Milo and I are on the case!  We are looking for clues and doing come cyber inbestigating to try and track down some information on Fibbs whereabouts.   We will find him and bring him home!!

