It’s ok Wimbley…they can’t win ebery time.  Maybe next week they will do better.

Sometimes when you are getting snuggles you hab to gib back.  Dats how it works in a fambily.

Hold on Fibbs!  We will find out what happens, but I hab to turn the page….

It’s good for bizness and stuff.    We hab three different ones.  You can see dem here.

Tonight was my night for Teddy, but you can hab him Fibbs if it will make you happy.

Oh hai.  I didn’t see you dere.  I was finkin dis is my secret hiding spot.   I guess I need to find anudder one.  Or maybe you will just fink I find anudder one, but I will still be here.  Oh wait, I shouldn’t hab said dat out loud.  I hab said too much.