It’s cupcake day!!  So we are taking a break from holiday fings to make some cupcakes!!  Why?  Well, because cupcakes are amazing and I fink it’s a rule you hab to do it on cupcake day, or else they will stop habing it.  So you hab to make sure you hab eberyfing you need before you start.

Use the freshest ingredients….


And be sure to check the batter as you go.   Looks good so far!   Let ‘s put dem in the oben.   *Get your mom to do dat part for you, it can be dangerous.


Stay tuned for part two… which is the best part.  You get to eat ’em!

No more pamcake taters until next year.

Getting some more calemdars weady to go in the Internashunal bizness mail fing today!   I had to stop for a snack break.   Dis is tough work!  Trabel wall calemdars are sold out, and Snacks are down to the last few!   Christmas deadline is coming quick if you want a Squeeze or a calemdar under the tree.  Guess going to the Star Wars premiere would hab only interrupted bizness, so good fing we weren’t inbited.

Bring on the pamcake taters!!

TRABEL ADBISORY! We are down to only two calemdars for the wall ob the trabel and adbentures kind, and single digits on the other two styles. So if you are waiting to get one, and want a particular fing, you shouldn’t wait too much longer or you might be sad. Kind ob like if you want a chocolate cobered long john donut and you get there late and they are all gone and you cry because you missed it. Not dat I know what dat is like ob course. – Fibbs

(Fanks to eberybody who already hab got one, we still hab people asking if we are going to do calemdars so dis is for the people who don’t know yet)    Bisit Marty’s Store ob Cute Fings to see all our stuffs.  Like a Squeeze Fibbs.  Dat’s a good one too.



Just let go…it’s not too much!  I pwomise I won’t eat it all at once and I will share wiff my brothers.  Would I lie?!?

Dats all I get?  Ok, den.
