I almost forgot to get my sticker, but I didn’t.

Dis me at my polling place.  It’s ok to bote for yourself if you’re running for President.  I’ll be here awhile.  I’m boting a lot.  P.S. They will gib you a stool if you need one.

Here we go – it’s time to bote!  Looks like there is a line, which means good turnout for me.    Be sure to post your photos ob your donuts, and elecshun buttons and stuff and join our Birtual Bictory Party!!   Everyone is invited!!

The candidate getting a massage in preperation for the big day tomorrow.  



Only a couple more days of campaigming – we are excited to have it ober and done wiff so we can get on wiff the important stuff of donuts and fun!

Technically yesterday was Natshunal Donut Day, but eberyday is donut day really.

We’re habbing a late night stategery sesshun.