Oooohhhhh…. I hab heard so much about these, I fink it’s one ob the most special fings! I will keep it foreber.
Hai I’m Bean! Some people fink it’s Beam, but it’s not, cause I’m not a begetable.
We are on our berry first adbenture. Me and my brothers are going to our new house! By the way, I am older much older and wiser then them, I was born three days earlier – on Christmas – so I hab a lot more life experience. Somefing to keep in mind as we go along.
Anyway, Mom and Dad drove to pick us up from Sam Diego. We were born there, although I don’t remember much about it, we were busy growing up and stuff. A nice lady named Rebecca from Silberbell Rattery took great care ob us until we were ready to go to our new house. It was a long ride, and it was late, so we fell asleep on dribe home. Don’t worry, I wasn’t dribing, just helping nabigate sometimes.
Ok, see you tomorrow! xo Bean
It’s time!! Meet the Marty School ob Bizness class ob 2018…
We look forward to sharing all our adbenture wiff you!!