It was bizness toast class today!

Mostly our toast was underdone, but we practiced alot.  Like Fibbs says though, it doesn’t matter, because we should take them out to eat anyways.


We were habbing our class on bizness toast, and fings were interrupted by a residoo pile-up!  Authorities hab been alerted.  No one was injured.

Dis Bean.  When I took my turn to pick my bedtime buddy, I see what the other boys are saying… it’s really hard to pick!!   As you can see I struggled wiff it too.

We need to pick them ALL ob them, so nobody feels bad because they didn’t get picked, and we can just take turns.  I asked mom if that was ok, and she said it was!  YAY!!  Bedtime Buddies for EBERYONE!!!

Now it’s Cosmo’s turn to make the all important Bedtime Buddy selectshun….

Augie says “Be careful! It’s harder than it looks…”


I fink I hab a connectshun wiff this polar bear.  Does he hab tummy buttons too?

Maybe if I use the force it will help!


Can we just hab all ob them??

The bedtime buddy selectshun has begun.  Augie will go first… this can be a very complicated and stressful ebent. 

He calls Bean in to consult and talk him fru it. 

This one!

Maybe this one….

Hmmm… I’m just not sure.

It’s too hard to choose!

Somewhere deep in a Ukrainian forest, after a long day ob adbenture, Augie finds a cute curly top tee-pee and takes shelter, there is a flash ob light and Bean falls into a trance and starts chanting “Sarve??m Svastir Bhavatu, Sarve??m Sh?ntir Bhavatu, Sarve??m P?rnam Bhavatu, Sarve??m Ma?galam Bhavatu” the light normalizes and Bean wakes up.

Augie:  “What just happened? That was weird”

Maybe it was a dream.

It’s Friday, so I slept in just a little, but now it’s time to get up!  – Augie

Our afternoon session ob space and rocketry class got exciting!! We were going through the drill we learned in the morning, and then all ob a sudden, an aliem wiff a spacetry (it’s like a pastry but from space) appeared out ob nowhere.  It was Larry!  He brought news and encouragement from Heaben, and a tasty spacetry for us to use as “space obstacle” during our lesson, then we could eat it.  We learned so much today from Larry and Dr. Kebin.

At the end ob the day, me and Larry did a test flight together – I fink I’m going to like space flying.   P.S. Dis Bean.