Almost time to actibate your calemdars!! (Start wiff Jamuary) .
Don’t hab yours yet? There are still a few abailable in the Store ob Cute Fings!
On the ebe ob the other birffdays, we had a good fun time playing in the secret tunnel. I can’t tell you where it is, or where it goes – because it’s secret. So secret eben, there isn’t a password! Cosmo was playing too, but he was running so fast the camera couldn’t catch him. Now we rest and get ready for more cake tomorrow!!
It’s almost our birffday (me and Cosmo) and we got a present!! A donut hammock!! It was for Bean too. All ob us can share. Its berry comfy and warm. Fank you for starting our birffday off on a good note Anna from Simply Ratty!
P.S. We fink Penny and Augie could be twins too! Dis Penny….