We still hab a long line for the kissing boof, but we took a break to enjoy some starberries we got from our faborite balemtime.  Hint:  Her name is spelled the same both forwards and backwards.   xoxo

Dis Bean.  Good fing we started the line last night because the line neber stops!  People are lined up I don’t know how far around the block, maybe eben all the way to Disneyland.  If you are dat far back, please bring us a churro.

People are saying the sweetest fings and sometimes it makes us blush.

If you are looking for a Balemtime, stop by and get a kiss!

My lips are chapped.  Dis Cosmo.

Bring it on!!  I’m ready for more kissin’!!   Dis Augie.

It’s the ebe ob Balemtimes Day, and we are setting up our kissing boof a little early, because we are expecting big crowds.  So far the line is already around the block.  Are you going to be our Balemtime?

Someone bring me my lip balm…

It’s gonna be a long night…

It’s been a long cold winter for most people wiff the snow and cold, and rain and stuff…so we are serbing up some nice warm tomato soup and grilled cheese sammiches today.  Do you want some?  You hab to bring your own spoon, Cosmo forgot to order some.

Is Monday ober yet? Is it safe to come out now?

What’s your faborite Monday snack?  Mine is yogies.

A year ago today we came to lib wiff our mom and dad, and we can’t believe it’s already been a whole year!   We hab learned so much about Internashunal Bizness and had fun adbentures, and met so many peoples.  Happy Gotcha Day to us!  (are there presents and snacks??)  – dis Augie

February 2018: 

February 8, 2019:

And Cosmo is still a bit camera shy…

Hai.  Dis Cosmo.  Today I am introducing the offishul “Baffroom Poetry wiff Cosmo” column.  Ebery week we will hab a new poem wiff a new subject.   Please submit your ideas and I will pick some and make them poetical.

Today’s poem is about boops.
     (inspirashun chosen by Ena Roque-Vizzini and Molly Michaela Darling Roque)

Sometimes when you’re as cute as I,
You’re peppered wiff boops until you cry.
They can’t resist, you hab to know –
So you roll wiff it, and make a show.

Boops, oh boops you tickle me
I laff so hard, I cannot see.
Tummy buttons irresistable it’s true
to stop at one is hard to do.

Boops are a dilemma indeed
Sometimes too many and sometimes too few
but the number ob boops is up to you.