I had a wardrobe fitting today wiff a Hollywood wardrobe mistress for a fing I can’t really talk about yet, but it’s going to be somefing berry fun and exciting!   We will tell you more when the bale ob secrecy can be lifted.   Dis Augie.  (and Cosmo’s nose)


We debuted our new kitchen magnet set on Friday and the first orders went in the mail today!  Do you hab yours ordered yet??

Fank you for supporting MMH!

I’m thrilled to announce that Oxbow Animal Health is hosting the Nurture Their Nature Small Animal Rescue Gib back!  Nominate your faborite small animal rescue to win a share of $5,000 from 8/12-8/26 at http://ow.ly/mvor30pgJUb.   Do it!!  The rescues need it, so nominate your faborites today!
#NTNGiveback  #OxbowSponsored

Post baff.

Well, after a good creatib day ob arting, you haff to hab a baff.  It’s in the rule book.

We did more arting today, it was messy and fun!  We like the bright colors best.  Arting is really fun and we lub expressing ourselbes fru our canbas.  We did some pieces that all three ob us worked on.  But you will see more about all that later.

A big fank you to our friend Amy Wagner for helping us.  She also brought us a big red truck!  It was a great day.

(2020 Rats Who Art Calemdars are abailable for pre-order here)

Guess what??  2020 calendars are abailable for pre-order.  3 ob you hab found ’em already!  Dis one will be in the Memes calemdar… you can find them all here:  Store ob Cute Fings

Images not yet finalized, but we’re close.  😉 .  Lots ob barieties dis year.

DESK Calemdars:   Snacks  •  Rats Who Art  •  Electshun Year (feat. Pres. Fibbs)

WALL Calemdars:  Rats Who Art  •  Memes (also mini size) •  Rats in Hats  •   Trabel & Adbenture (featuring the Hancker take down)