P.S. It’s calemdar actibashun day!!! Start wiff Jamuary.
In what I’m sure is cosmic destiny, being that today is King Beans birthday in Heaben, he has been featured on a tea towel by internashunal artist sensashun Hercule van Wolfwinkle! Money raised will benefit his ongoing effort to raise money for Turning Tides which helps end homelessness is the UK. Sadly they only ship to the UK, but I will try and get a few extra to make available here in the US.
MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL and Happy Birffday to Bean!! xoxo MM
Happy Holidays from Marty Mouse House – we hope dis bideo spreads some cheer.
Lost arts hab been found! We did some large format Space arting back in 2019 and are finally making it abailable to you, the publik. The fantastic artistic stylings ob Cosmo, Augie and Bean hab brought to the forefront ob the art world and are about to be released! All paintings are BIGGER and berry important arts. Each canbas is 10″x10″, done in the mediums ob metallic paints wiff the subject ob Space Flowers on the moon. Do they explode sometimes? Yes, they do, we saw it firsthand, but that is a longer story. Anyway, lots ob texture and an exploshun ob colors represent this out-ob-dis-world collectshun. You hab the chance to own one ob the originals!!
Auctshun ends next Tuesday the 15th at 2:00pm (CA time)
Starting bid is $5 – bid in $5 increments.
You will get the original piece ob art and a Certificate ob Authenticity, plus a BIG 8×10 photo of the artist presenting your art!
A $10 Shipping fee (priority mail, insured) will be added to the final bid.
Bids begin at $5. Bids accepted in $5 increments. (they don’t have to be sequential – you can overbid to try and secure your faborite painting)
NOTE: Be sure check all bids, they might not be listed in order! All ending bids will be checked in good faith by MMH using the facebook timestamp, but its an imperfect science, so do last minute bids at your own risk. Decisions by MMH are final. We dont want anyone to get the sads!!
The auctshun will be on FACEBOOK ONLY. So if you want to place a bid, it will be pinned to the top ob our Facebook feed until the auctshun is ober on Tuesday the 15th, at 2:00pm (CA time). Fank you in adbance, for supporting art, and supporting MMH!
Bean’s first fanksgibbing in Heaben didn’t go quite how he expected it to – the turkey got a little upset, but ebentually they came to understand each other and all the rats in Heaben sat down wiff Tom and ate a feast ob smashed taters, green beam casserole, corm on the log and yams wiff marchmellows. Lightly toasted. No raisins or broccoli in sight!