Deer Dexters Creature Comforts –
I am writing to you because my brother is really testing the boundaries ob your guaruntee. I know you are not supposed to hab broccoli in here, as all ob your items are broccoli free. It does seem to be working, there is a force field that makes him drop it at the edge, I’m just worried about what will happen if he does manage to get some in. Will the Fibbs Crib ebaporate or explode?? While I await your reply i dont want to stick around to find out.
Fanks. Dis Augie.
It was boting day for us today, and we did it. Don’t worry, we asked Fibbs if it was ok to borrow his hat from the Presidentshul museum, and he said ok, but only for boting days. We boted as much as they would let us, which was only the one time. Now we are going home to hab Soup on Tuesday.
I got some residoo for boting. Did you??