No, really, I’m quite comfortable, fanks. You should try dis, you might be surprised too. Barry? Oh, he’s fine. Dis might be my faborite nap position eber.


We are habbing a fun weekend already, getting ready for school. Fish is really worried about school, but we will all help him if he needs it, like wiff a step stool, and Baxter habs his back if anyone tries to bully him or gib him a wedgie.  What?  Oh. I guess it’s just us at dis school, so we don’t hab to worry about it!  Phew. 

I’m habbing a Coke and a smile. I heard we are starting school next week, so we are going to hab extra fun times dis weekend. It should be fine tho. We will do good at school. dis Waffles.df

Do you eber sit in front ob your snack and wonder at the possibilities ob what might be inside!? It could be your faborite fing, or it could be somefing you hab neber tried, but is is your new faborite fing!! The joy and wonder ob the options has me spellbound….
by the way, dis Waffles

It’s bananas around here!!


Baxter and Fish did some sort-ob selfies wiff mom.

Fanks to @ratshavefeelingstoo for taking these fab photos!

Oh hai mom!  I was just looking in here to make you brunch. I found good stuff!  I am going to make you a pumpkin rhubarb tomato pie!  Doesnt dat sound delicious? I just might need a little halp wiff the oben.  


Taken the week we were waiting for Fish to arribe!