Fanks to #RattyBox we went camping! It was super fun, but Baxter started telling scary stories ober our s’mores campfire, so fankfully we hab a snazzy new tent and comfy tree trunk to hide in to feel safe from the one-armed man dat was looking for us in the forest. We had good sunflower seed snacks, and stayed up talking and laughing until “way past your bedtime youngsters”… but it was a good time and we don’t regret anyfing. Hmmm…we neber did try dat mushroom on top ob the tree trunk.

One ob the fings we know about before we go to school and start learning all of the Rules ob Internashunal Bizness, is hydrashun, so we hab been practicing and I take it berry serious. We all hab different styles. Sometimes we all like to hydrate at once. dis Waffles.

We had a talk wiff Teddy today because we will be starting school berry soon, and sometimes he will be able to come wiff us, but sometimes he habs to stay home.

I fink Waffles is nerbous about it, he’s been acting strange.

Good ebening. Dis is Chip Chompsky reporting from the Heaben studios ob MNN. Finally today we hab an image of the Bandits ob Yesteryear caught on a traffic cam in the New York area.

As you may hab heard, rumors about a group ob bandits dat hab been duped the Bandits ob Yesteryear hab been going around for a few weeks now. It’s reported sometimes they hab many horses, and sometimes just one, but the horses are always wearing stealffy bodysuits. They seem to be able to jump from state to state without adhering to the space-time continuum. People are frightened and don’t know what they want or how to stay safe. There are no witnesses to any ob the crimes, but people keep disappearing – so we urge you all to remain bigilant and keep an eye out.  We don’t know how many bandits there are as they hide in the wagon.

The horses do not seem to be inbolbed in the criminal behavior.

If you hear them in your area, please alert local authorities.  Stay safe eberybody… and now to Milo Megadoppler for the weaffer report…


Oh hai. We hab been hearing horses around and are worried it might be the bandits from yesteryear – so to be safe we are hiding in dis tree stump. Waffles went out to get an acorm.

Oh hai – dis Fish. We still are in giant computer mess. The IT guys just keep habbing smacks and taking naps.

Did you hear dat? I fink I hear horses.

We tried dis amazing fing today – yogurt residoo on a spoon!! Hab you eber had it? It’s like the best residoo eber!