Today we had scrambled eggs for lunch and we got to eat in our lunch hut. I fink we should hab lunch two times a day. Pass it on.

It’s starberry season!  

Sometimes it’s a little chaotic in the classroom, and if you hab a qwestshun, you hab to speak up loud!

Today we were issued our office supplies to start learning about Internashunal Bizness. Dis is a practice stapler so we can learn the principles ob stapling. 

It’s so hot today, I had to hab an ice cool drink to cool off… stay cool eberybody! Just like eberyone in your high school yearbook told you to.

Oh…hmmm. “Fish, you look different today!”

It’s been two months – here is a progress report on the boys and their sisters Pocket and Wink from Rats Have Feelings Too! And look… Fish can reach the table without standing on magnets.

Today Milo gabe us our first science lesson about the time tunnels and space fabric. We did some time trabel fru the tunnels. He said we hab to be berry careful wiff doing it too much or too fast or we will go so far into the future because mom won’t be able to find us. It works because ob general relatibity. Time trabel to the past is possible in certain general relatibity spacetime geometries that permit trabeling faster than the speed of light, such as cosmic strings, trabersable wormholes, and Alcubierre drives. Obbiously.


These computers are amazing!  Not only can we do school stuff on dem, but you can watch bideos, play games, talk to friends across the world and you can order snacks and they deliber it right to your house.  I can’t beliebe it.  Dis is amazing. You don’t eben hab to gib them monies, just put some numbers in.  And I found a site called Amazon dat is habbing a big sale today on treats and almost eberyfing!  I bet you will find somefing you like.  If you hab a computer, you should look at dis. Mom is going to lub all the stuff I’m getting….   Prime Day Rat Stuff Deals