We all felt bad about the shock ob the monies numbers from our adbenture, so we thought we would make mom some cookies to make it all better. Luckily it turns out someone else used the numbers for most ob it, so she got that back, but we did spend $137 on nuts from the mini-fridge and she wasn’t too happy about dat, but cookies will fix it! Ok….eberybody stop working and say cheese!!

Well, we got back from Comic Com wiff Teddy, and we had a great time, but mom was a little upset. She got a notice from some guy she called Capital One and said we spent ober twelbe thousand dollars ob stuff, hotel fridge snacks and room serbice. I didn’t fink it cost anyfing because they just wanted numbers, not monies. So, I guess dis week are habbing our financial responsibilities wiff monies class from Mr. Kookie. Oooops.

Nobody eber came to the table, but I started to hear weird noises coming from one ob the buildings. It sounded like a comic book deal go bad, I got scared and imagined the worst – I snuck off to find this deal and I knew Teddy was looking for me. Mom gabe us a note wiff numbers to use in case ob emergency, and dis was a bad one!  I really wanted dat Batman Funko pop, and the Joker too, so I left the note wiff the emergency numbers and took the Pops and ran to find Teddy and my brothers.  We hab to get home and go to school tomorrow!

um, ‘scuse me, do you know where the person is for dis boof? It’s the last day ob the con, and we were about to go back to our rooms to pack up and check out when I got a hot tip from one ob the Supermans about a deal on Funko Pops out back, so I came out here to check it out. I found them, but no one is here. I want to get the Batman one. Ummmm…. hello? Is anybody here?

Hello, Teddy here.  I’be been sitting here wiff refreshments while the boys explore all the bendors and look around the show floor.  They keep checking in wiff me ebery so often.  Waffles was just here and he had alot to tell me about all the conbenshun exclusibs they found, and lots ob stuff they bought wiff the numbers. He also mentioned we might not hab to take the train home, not sure what that was about.

Reuben is here now, they all hab checked in a couple times today.  Baxter had me take his costume back to the rooms, he was getting too hot in it. These are good boys. It’s been a fun weekend wiff dem.

If you habn’t been to Comic Con, lots ob people dress up as their faborite characters from mobies and comics and stuff and walk around the conbenshun and buy stuff from bendors. I hab already seen elebenty Supermans, seben Spidermans and fibe Batmans. Eberybodies costumes are so good. I’m dressed as my faborite character – Harriet, as played by Augie in the mobie N’Everest.  He was in dat mobie wiff aunt Minae, they were so good together, it inspired me to come as Harriet today, a rat superhero!

Fankfully, I also saw the Ghostbusters out in the hall, which was a bit ob a relief because Waffles thought he saw a ghost in our hotel room last night, so it’s good to know that Peter Benkman and the other boys are near by in case somefing like the case ob the Philadelphia semetrical book stacking mass turbulence ob 1947 or other cross dimensional distrubances like undersea mass sponge migrashun happen to occur at the conbenshun center.  Ok, I gotta go, we hab seats to see the Starship Smackdown and I hab to get upstairs.  This oxygen tank is kind ob heaby.

Dis is Augie in the mobie…. 

Dis Baxter. Today we had our panel at Comic Con, and WOAH! I’be neber seen so many people and our room was full wiff standing room only. We got some good tips from Dr. Kebin’s panel last night. I want to fank all ob the people that came – we had a great time meeting eberyone and talking about stuff. There were lots ob laughs and secrets rebealed. Here are a few online qwestshuns we didn’t hab time to answer in the room, but will be happy to now.  Who’s first?    

Scotia Draben:  What did you all order from room serbice?
Barry:  “I’ll take dis one… I ordered a cheeseburger and fries, banilla shake, chop salad, lasagna, sweet potato mash, french toast, baked alaska and corm on a log.  What did the rest ob you get?”

Heather Barker: When can we expect da first MMH feature film?
Reuben:  “Due to the writers strike, all plans are currently put on hold.” 

Shannon Belille: Hab you tried broccoli yet? What are your thoughts on this begetable?
Waffles:  “We are split on dis controbersial issue, some ob are ok wiff it, but some ob us don’t like it and fink it stinks.  So we hab a rule – no broccoli in our buddy box – dats where we sleep. Plus it’s from Dexters Creature Comforts and there is a built in broccoli repellent force built in to ebery box.” 

Marie Wynn: What’s your favourite comic?
Fish:  “Our faborite possession is a copy of Timely Comics’ Terry-Toons Comics #38 (from Nobember 1945) featuring the first appearance of Mighty Mouse, who is much braber than Superman or Batman or all ob the other superheroes. We only take it out once a month and dad reads it to us, so we can keep it in mint condition.”

Sarah Micheal: What’s your favorite treat?
Baxter:  “So far we like pretty much eberyfing.”

Fank you for your qwestshuns, and now we are going to go check out all the bendors on floor and see our friend Amy at Stuart Ng Books in boof 5012 to get our con exclusibs.  

We didn’t really go on the train by ourselbes, teddy was in charge because he’s done it before – he has lots ob trabel experience, he’s eben been to Bietnam.

I didn’t want a room by myself, so me, Teddy and Reuben are in dis room. Teddy had to ride in the suitcase on account ob they don’t allow bears on the train, but I opened it up as soon as we got here, and he’s ok, I checked. I packed lots ob snacks for him. Hotels aren’t real big on bears either, so don’t say anyfing, ok?

We trabeled on the train to Sam Diego today to get to ComicCom! It’s our first big adbenture wiffout mom, and it was a little scary, but it was fun. We are all in our hotel rooms now, and hab ordered food. Room serbice is the best fing eber!! We are doing a panel tomorrow in Hall H, so if you hab any qwestshuns you can put them here and maybe we will answer a couple. OH! Gotta go, Anwar is here wiff our room serbice.

Dr. Kebin came by school today and gabe us a lesson on mobie science, and talked about grabity and space stuff. He was pretty nice. He signed my book too! He is doing a panel at Comic Con on Thursday, so maybe we’ll see him there.