dis is my dinner. Not all ob it, I hab to share wiff my brothers.

Today we are in Nebraska doing bizness and it’s berry nice and relaxing here.  We bisited Carhenge, and had lunch in downtown Omaha. We were peckish, as we usually are, so we went to a local diner and I had taters fibe ways, and it was delicious.  We lub saying Omaha, it’s fun.  You should try it. It makes you happy. OoooomaHA! Not many cities are dat fun to say.

Fank You Lori Hansen – we’ll see you again soon!!

We are taking some time while we wait for Halloweem to do some more trabel. We heard there was a big balloom festibal in New Mexico, so we went there and it was amazing!  Soooo many cool ballooms wiff bright colors and they make berry loud ‘whoooooooooosh’ noises wiff big fire before they go up in the air.  Dat seemed a little scary, so we didn’t go up in one, we learned not to mess wiff fire – but we had fun watching dem and then we went for a snack.

Fank you Joyce Lobato for New Mexico Internashunal bizness!

Boil, boil…toil and trouble… ratties snitch and cauldrons bubble…we make a spell and all will call to bring the camdy to us all…
Dats our spell we made wiff the poshuns we poured into the cauldron we made in the witches hat. Don’t be scared ob it, it’s real spells, but they are nice spells. We did do one batch dat might hab been bad and made Baxter faint, but it might hab been because he was just so excited to do witch craft. We’re not sure. It’s probably fine, just don’t drink it.
(Another wonderfully creatib and fun adbenture from Ratty Box! Fank you!)

I’m making my Halloweem costume, I’m halping Reuben wiff his too. I hope someone will halp me wiff the glue gun, I’m a little nerbous about dat part.

Hab you seen the Boxtrolls mobie? You can watch it if you hab Amazom Prime, I fink you would like it, it’s mostly about cheese.

I hab an appointment at the DMB dis morning, and despite the fact dat nobody is here I hab been waiting for two hours. Good fing I brought lots ob snacks!

Dis is how my weekend went. We arted. We had fings to express, but I wasn’t expecting a baff. It was ok though, part ob it was berry nice. It will take awhile, but you will see our arts next monff. We are excited to show you!!

P.S. Dis is not what we mean by proper hydrashun.

Today we are in Ohio, we got in last night and went straight to the Rock and Roll Hall ob Fame (it was still Thursday so I had my crown) and it looked berry cool at night.

We spent most ob our time in Clebeland because mom libed in Clebeland Heights when she was in third and fourff grade.  She told us a story about how when she was in the Girl Scouts, they went for the world record of largest chocolate chip cookie eber and each troop had to bake a 12×12″ cookie and then bring them all together at the Clebeland Arcade (where Reuben is).  Mom and her mom were in charge of baking it for their troop, and it was exciting – I fink they made the record(!!) but afterwards when eberyone in the troop split up the cookie and tried it and it tasted horrible!  They forgot to put in the sugar, and mom was sooooo embarrassed.  And now we get to see where dat happened. It’s ok mom, you hab gotten better at baking and make great pamcakes!

Clebeland seems like a great city, and we are looking forward to dinner wiff Wendy and other Ohio friends tonight – let’s meet at Tommy’s on Cobentry Rd.  See you soon…

Fank you Wendy Glanbille for license to Ohio Internashunal Bizness!

Hello!  It’s me Baxter, King ob Thursdays and we are trabeling again.  Today we are in gorgeous Utah looking at all the rocks and beautiful landsnakes.  It’s berry pretty here, and lots ob orange colors.  We were in Salt Lake City, and I saw dis really beautiful castle, so I went there, but they wouldn’t let me in – eben wiff my crown.  I don’t fink they know how royalty works.  I should be able to bisit any castle I want.  I’m pretty sure dats how it’s supposed to be.  Oh well, more time for site-seeing and snacks.

Fank you to Wendy Glanbille for the UT Internashunal Bizness licenses!  Can you get here from Michigan in time to meet us for dinner?