Good afternoon, it’s the news team ob Ted Baxter here, wiff some news about the weather. We are waiting for Hurricame Hilary to make landfall in Souffern Califorbia about 12 hours from now, as eberyone here is preparing for what is going to be a record breaking amount ob water in a short time period ob time. Concerns ob flooding, high winds and soggy snacks plague the souffland. It’s been 83 years since a hurricame has hit this area, so nobody knows what to do. People are making sandbags, clearing out gutters and downspouts and charging their emergency lights in case power goes out. Stock up on snacks, blankies and make sure you hab a flood buddy. We will bring you updates as they become abailable, if we aren’t napping. Stay safe eberyone. Ted Baxter signing off. Good night, and good news.
“oh Mr. Kookie is going to be so mad at me…pay attention…stop finking about that piece of pamcake you left in the tube…come on Waffles… you can do dis. Monies is important, you need to know dis stuff. Ok..diribitibs of four and seben are important. Why? I wonder if dat pamcake is still warm, it might be when I get home from school. I can hab it and then take a nap.”
Mr. Kookie: “Waffles – do you know the answer?”
Our great friend Dru ober at The Illustrated Rat is psychic!! She saw the fambily picture ob us, and read our thoughts and dreams and put them into dis painting. Oooooh, do I wish dis would come true! Corms, cookies, pizza, skettis… ALL AT ONE TIME!!
Guess what??! Aunt Minae brought us some wheat grass and it was amazing! We all lubbed it, as you’ll see… and we didn’t make a mess at all, and you know what else? I hab a special secret. I have one ruby one and one black eye. Sometimes the camera will catch it just right, I hab it in my genes. People call it odd-eye, but I fink it’s pretty cool, and kind ob mean to call it odd. it’s more like… spectacularly special!