We are packing up a few more calemdar orders but dis weekend we are going to trabel – we hab Internashunal Bizness to tend to. So mom can work on it, her hands are bigger so it goes a little faster anyway.

I found a place dat lets me sing for tips a couple nights a week, it’s in a rough part ob town, but it’s really fun. What would you like to hear??

Waffles: “Why aren’t we on the calemdar buttons dis year Barry? Dats not right. We are just as cute as Reuben and Baxter. I’m disgruntled.”

Barry: “I fink it’s ok. Not eberybody can be on them. We are on the pack ob button cards, so I’m not gruntled about it.”

Waffles: “Hhhhhrrmmmph.”

I’m taking a pea break from shipping calemdars and stuff, you hab to pace yourself.

I’m taking a pea break from shipping calemdars and stuff, you hab to pace yourself.

Attention all peoples interested in Internashunal Bizness. Dis is our button card for 2024! Well, dis is a mock up ob it. It will look like dis, but 3-D. If you ordered a calemdar and want to order dis, you can order it today and you will be refunded the shipping cost and it will go wiff your calemdars (in about a week, we don’t hab these yet) Eben if you hab gotten a message your calemdars hab shipped, they didn’t go to the PO yet because ob today being a magic box holiday. If you do, make sure you add a note on your order to ADD to your calemdars so I refund the shipping. Ok, dats a long descriptshun, or you can just order some if you want.


So after our weekly meeting ob the Secret Order ob the Nocturnal Water Buffalo pamcake breakfast dis morning, we started to pack them up and put them in the magic box. Eberyone is halping wiff the Internashunal Bizness stuff. Eberyfing is better wiff a team.

Remember we hab more in common
den what splits us apart,
and no matter who you are
if you eat beans, you fart!

I did it! I boted. I’m not sure why because Fibbs is our foreber President, but just in case, go bote anyway! Keep the legacy ob Peace, Lub and Donuts in your hearts. And you get a sticker! I was hoping for a lollipop, but a sticker is good too.

It was a dark and stormy night, as the two tiny Boxtrolls, Fish and Shoes, set out on their Halloweem journey. Secretly shadowed by their brothers to keep an eye on them from around the corners…there were creaks and groans coming from places unknown, but still they persisted and summoned their bravery from deep down wiffin to go up and knock on doors to get some camdy. Ober and ober again until their buckets were ober flowing wiff all different kinds ob candy – and what is dis??? Raisins?!?!? Are you kidding me?? No, we will fro those out.

But they collected so much camdy they had plenty to share wiff their brothers, and eben mom and dad.
Wishing you all a safe and happy Halloweem!!

(See below for their costume inspiration as Fish and Shoes from The Boxtrolls mobie. It’s about cheese, and how heroes can come in all shapes and sizes – eben rectangles)