Oh nuts. Mom made us stop shopping…too much on the magic numbers she said…

Quick you guys, moms not looking… check out all these deals on yogies!

Time to go!! We hab been here for fibe hours, what a fun day dis habs been, brothers, meet me at the checkout, get your magic coupons ready – and don’t forget Fish.

It’s important to hab a snack while you’re shopping so you don’t buy too many fings. Also, please come halp me, I’be been abandoned in aisle four.


Oh hai – we are still here at the store, we hab taken a few loads to the car, but we needed more fings, we need to hab all the imgredients in case ob pies and cakes and stuff.

We got to do some grocery shopping for Fanksgibbing! There are so many snacks all in one place… it’s amazing. We are going to need another cart and more monies! Hab you guys been to the supermarket before??

This free samples section is the best!

I hab been waiting here for a couple hours now, it was our first meeting ob the Secret Order of the Nocturnal Water Buffalo Chapter Elebenty tonight, but no one is here. It was blood oaff night and kicking off our big list ob objectibs and ebents. Howeber, now dat I fink about it, it occurs to me I may hab forgotten to send out the inbitatshuns. :/ I fink I need an assistant.

Dis is Waffles ob Internashunal Bizness Solushuns. We hab solbed our problem! Gary offered to help, but he didn’t know how, but all ob a sudden Reuben had an idea. So when we hab to wet the enbelope, Gary holds his breaff and we use his tail to swipe it wiff water, and then seal it up. It’s genius really!