Our trabels took us to Florida next. Actually, it was because one of the alligators we met during our night trip through the swamps in Louisiana was so friendly. We chatted wiff him for hours, and he told us about some cousins ob his in Florida, suggesting we bisit them. Unfortunately, we couldn’t find his cousins—his map wasn’t berry good—and the one alligator we did meet turned out to be rather grumpy.

While we were there, Dad suggested we bisit the Kennedy Space Center to see the space shuttle, so we did. We eben got to take a tour, and it’s quite different from Marty’s Space Shuttle.  All the folks at NASA were nice and berry smart.

We mobed along and headed to the beach. Ob course, we needed to refuel ourselves so we wouldn’t waste away. We grabbed a few Cubano sammiches, then spent the rest ob the day at the beach, enjoying a beautiful sunset.

Today we are in Kansas.  Not AR-kansas, the one wiffout the AR in it and we lub it!  It’s berry nice and habs fun fings to do.  We bisited some pretty outdoor fings, and a giant egg and then we went into the city and eated some fings.  Ok, yes, we eated lots of fings.  If you want to meet us for dinner we can stay and eat more fings.

Fank you Shirley Loftin for all dis Bizness!

It’s Waffles again! How is eberybody doing?

As we trabel on, we had to skip ober Wiscomsin because we don’t hab that one yet, straight to Michigan – home ob the Detroit auto industry. Since we are interested in trabel, we were offered a tour ob some car and truck factories and we took them up on it. It’s super fun to see how fings are made. I was hoping we would get a free sample at the end ob the tour, because lots of times they do that wiff tours, but we didn’t get one. You might be wondering what auto makers are in Detriot. General Motors (GM), Ford Motor Company, and Stellantis (formerly Fiat Chrysler Automobiles). I hab neber heard ob Stellantis, so they might want to work on their marketing a bit more. Maybe they should stick wiff Fiat or Chrysler. And they really should fink about gibbing out samples too.

In case you were wondering, only me and Baxter had to wear hard hats because we had cars ober our head during the tour. In case the cars fell down, the hard hat would protect us from getting squished.

Fank you so much Wendy Balog – we really enjoying dis learning experience and are waiting for you to call us and tell us where to meet you for snacks.

We hunkered down in our socks yesterday here in Oklahoma, staying in a berry charming VRBO we rented for the night (Reuben is out front ob it—it was super cozy!). We enjoyed plenty ob fun outdoor actibities, soaking in the beauty ob the area, and made a trip to Oklahoma City for a proper meal since we didn’t hab our camping gear. The stars were absolutely stunning last night. Oklahoma truly is OK! The smashed taters were pretty good too.

It’s Monday and I was reading about all the snow and cold all ober the country, so it made me want to stay in my sock all day in solidarity wiff the cold people.

Today we are in New Orleans for Internashunal Bizness trabel! We are also going to bisit our uncle who libs here. There is lots of great fings to see, and we rode on a cable car and got to ring the bell. As we made our way fru the city we stopped and eated at lots ob places and had a sandwich called a muffuletta, but it wasn’t my faborite because I don’t like olives berry much, but the beignets were fabulous. We got pretty messy wiff the power sugar tho.

Dis is berry pretty city! But since we don’t drink, we found somefing else to do, and tonight we are going to take a boat ride fru the swamp and look for alligators.

Fank you Shirley!!

We are trabeling again!  Today we spent the morning in downtown Little Rock, Arkansas and we decided to bisit the Riber Market and other fun places. We lub days like this: food, music, and adbenture.

First stop was a berry cool old fashioned drug store wiff a soda fountain and ice cream!  We had a big lunch and then wandered around the city and did some sight seeing.  There was one spot we found some music and danced.

We heard Bill Clinton is from here but we didn’t see him.  Now we are off to Louisiana…

Fank you to Shirley Loftin for dis trabel license!!

Yes, I do need all ob these.

It’s almost time for actibashun day! Get your calemdars now, if you don’t hab one already. We hab some Memes wall calemdars and some Snacks desk calemdars left. Make 2025 cute eberyday – wiff us. Dis Waffles wiff your calemdar announcement.

Bisit StoreObCuteFings.com now to place your order!

As the clock ticks on Christmas, communities gather in anticipashun ob the Christmas Chicken’s arribal. Its appearance is said to be fleeting, a magical moment that fills the heart with warmff and optimism. When it finally struts into view, wings fluttering and its bell jingling, eberyone cheers, knowing that lub and luck are on their way for the new year. And behold… here he is!!