Dis Toupee from @ratshavefeelingstoo – she is Bert, NPP and Beez’s sister, and she is doing wonderful and enjoying her winter actibities wiff her new sisters and their brothers. We lub you Toupee!
Today we got our offishul MSOB school pictures back. And we practiced the walk for our granulashun which is coming up. Barry liked his hat, so he wanted to wear it in his picture and the guy said ok. Do we look smarter now?
I am out holiday shopping, and I brought my suitcase because I can’t just leave the presents in a conbertible while I’m in the stores. So I put them in the suitcase, which is a conbeinent way to carry them too. Some ob the stores are gibbing out cookies and cider!
Yesterday we had a bisit from our sisters, Wink and Pocket from Rats Have Feelings Too and we did a fambily Christmas photo shoot, so you will be seeing dat soon. It wasn’t berry cold, we were just wearing the hats for to pretend it’s winter. Sometimes you hab to do fings like dat for art. dis Baxter.