I got dis Polaroid camera for Christmas. It’s supposed to be for land, but I fink photos ob land are kind ob boring, so I hab been taking pictures ob my brothers. I know I need some practice, but it’s berry fun. I especailly like the sound it makes, it goes *snap!*, then “brrrrrr..rrrrr….rrrrrr…rrrrr” and it comes out blank and you hab to say the magic words and then it starts to appear. I can show you some more ob my work in the future if you want to see it. My goal is to get into the Polaroid museum ob art!

It’s been cold here lately, not horrible cold, but for here, it’s pretty cold, we hab been wearing our hats indoors, but they don’t help much because they don’t cober our ears.  But people seem to fink we are pretty cute wiff them on though, so it neber hurts to hear you look cute.

Internashunal Bizness Alert! If you ordered one ob our limited editshun “Winter Hats” magnets it will arribing in your magic box sometime soon. Ok, we gotta go now, dis is kind ob heaby.

We don’t always stay in socks during sock days, but it’s cold today and it’s berry comfy in here and I don’t want to get out.

I would like to make a complaint to the head office ob MSOB. I got in trouble today for wearing dis hat to class because the teacher said it was making too much noise and causing a distractshun, but I feel the need to express myself and today I felt loud. Where can I find the formal complaint forms??

Dis Reuben by NAIA. Age 7.

We did some arting today wiff our cousin, Naia. It was great – she’s pretty good at drawing us eben tho we didn’t sit still berry good. You might remember she drew Beez last year wiff a crown.. Arting is always fun!

As we all boldly ride into 2024, I just wanted to wish you all good healff and good luck in the New Year!

dis Fish, by the way. I learned how to ride a motocycle so I could get to my meetings ob the Secret Order ob the Nocturnal Water Buffalo – Chapter Elebenty easier.  We’re habbing one tonight if you want to come, it’s at the Cheesecake Factory.  But we should be home by 8:30 to put on our jammies and hab snacks and go to bed and eat more cheesecake.

Happy 2024 eberybody!!

I bolunteered to come to New York City to scope out the Times Square situashun for New Years Ebe. I fink normally I would lub NYC, but there are soooo many people right now, and I’m tired, and eberyfing is sticky. I’m going home and recommending we just celebrate at home wiff Teddy and wear our pajamas and hab snacks. Then we can actibate our calemdars at midnight!