Hey guys…I’m home!! Are you there??
Wow, what an amazing adbenture I had! Did you see? We hab to try using our stapler as a springboard too! Dis time trabel tunnel hook up to the Fluffy Cycle Ride is pretty amazing. I did hab a little trouble on the way back and my ear got caught in the dryer, I didn’t tuck and roll properly, but dats ok, I fink chicks are going to dig a time trabel injury! It makes me berry tough and brabe.
I can’t wait for my brothers to meet Peter and Jenni and the Cowsins, and BW and Eliza, and eberybody!! I’m so glad Dougie ended up in the bedtime buddy pile and now we will be best friends foreber. Fank you A Mouse Named Peter and friends for showing me such a good time.
I hab to go check in wiff Dougie now fru my locket and let him know I got home ok. I’m still slightly illustrated, but it should wear off soon.
(post by A Mouse Named Peter)
Hi, eberybuddy. Dis Peter DeMouse. Our bisitor’s name is Reuben, from de land ob Marty Mouse House. Professor Whooot says we hab to wait for de next twist in de time space continuum to send Reuben back but we are working on a surprise to help him not miss his fambily too much in de meanwhile. We also sent a note pinned to a sock back to his fambily to let dem know Reuben is here wiff us and dat we’ll take good care ob him until he can return.
Hi – Dis VW Rabbit. Thanks, Peter, for dat report. In other news, claims hab been rising at de Lost and Found Division for socks dat hab been missing for years…
(art by A Mouse Named Peter)
Dis Peter – we pinned a note wiff de maff calculashions from Professor Whooot to a sock and put it in de Fluffy Cycle Ride. It disappeared! Den dere was a big noise and a pop and a zing and it worked: Dougie appeared! But den dere was an eben bigger noise and den someone else, holding tight to a bunch of single sox, appeared. He and Dougie climbed out and he looked a little bit discombobulated. We fink he’s from Marty Mouse House. Dougie is busy calming him down and den we’ll go introduce ourselves to him. We’re so relieved dat Dougie is okay!
Reuben and Dougie had lots ob fun together and really enjoying getting to know each other, but as it turns out, Dougie has a family that is waiting and worried about him ober at A Mouse Named Peter, so Reuben decided he would help get him back to the dryer he came from fru the time trabel tunnel wiff an assist from some trabel juice. Dougie is about to attempt the return. The boys will take him to the mid point and then he is on his own for what should be a safe and quick trip home! Of course Dougie has an officshul inbitatshun to come back any time and bisit, and bring his friends! See you soon Dougie!!