Today we are in Ohio, we got in last night and went straight to the Rock and Roll Hall ob Fame (it was still Thursday so I had my crown) and it looked berry cool at night.
We spent most ob our time in Clebeland because mom libed in Clebeland Heights when she was in third and fourff grade. She told us a story about how when she was in the Girl Scouts, they went for the world record of largest chocolate chip cookie eber and each troop had to bake a 12×12″ cookie and then bring them all together at the Clebeland Arcade (where Reuben is). Mom and her mom were in charge of baking it for their troop, and it was exciting – I fink they made the record(!!) but afterwards when eberyone in the troop split up the cookie and tried it and it tasted horrible! They forgot to put in the sugar, and mom was sooooo embarrassed. And now we get to see where dat happened. It’s ok mom, you hab gotten better at baking and make great pamcakes!
Clebeland seems like a great city, and we are looking forward to dinner wiff Wendy and other Ohio friends tonight – let’s meet at Tommy’s on Cobentry Rd. See you soon…
Fank you Wendy Glanbille for license to Ohio Internashunal Bizness!