One ob the best fings about trabeling is the free breakfast buffet they hab in the lobby and they usually hab pamcakes! So dis week the Secret Order ob the Noctural Water Buffalo Chapter Elebenty meeting will be held today at the Doubletree. Sorry for the short notice.

We hab a last few trabels to do, so we went to Georgia today for Internashunal Bizness. Atlantis is a berry pretty city, I was expecting it to be more wet from what we had heard, but it wasn’t at all and we didn’t hab any trouble finding it. We had a good lunch in midtown on Piedmont, and enjoyed a stroll fru the botanical gardens.  We marbeled at the towering canopy of trees, bibrant blooms, and the lush orchid house smelled like pure magic. Fish and Waffles lubbed the fountains. We might hab pilfered a few snacks from a nearby picnic, but nobody saw us and I don’t fink they would mind.

Fank you Elizabeff Richardson, do you want to meet us for second dinner?

We hab done so many trabels (and we hab more to do). To halp us remember where we hab been, Mom gabe us a Biewmaster as a gift so we can rebisit the places we went. It’s pretty neat! We hab a disc for ebery state. I wish we had the snacks we had eberywhere we went too!

It’s me Waffles!  How is your day going?

We did one quick stop on our way home – we went to Seattle, which is in Washington state.  We stopped by the Public Market to do some Internashunal Bizness, we heard it’s berry popular spot for it. I’m not so sure about doing good bizness tho. Barry almost got hit in the head wiff a fish and Reuben nearly stuck to the bubble gum wall.  It’s kind ob dangerous.

We did hab a giant delicious lunch ob fish sandwiches, so Barry got the last laugh.

Fanks again Shirley for dis bizness!  I fink you’ll lub it here because you don’t hab to worry about getting stuck in the gum.

We went back to Kemtucky on our way home to talk Internashunal Bizness wiff our horse friends we met during the races last year. They are still super big and made us a little nerbous, but they were all nice and I’m glad we stopped by to say hi. They offered us some lunch, but hey is not berry tasty and pokes the roof ob your mouff, so we didn’t stay long. Now we are headed back to the West Coast…

Fank Shirley for halping us so much wiff bizness!

Oh hai, it’s me Reuben and look at dis!!  Our Internashunal Bizness trabels took us to New Hampshire and we found the Ice Castles, and it’s the most beautiful fings I’be eber seen!  And it’s so fun, they hab slides, and caberns and crawl tunnels and polar snacks. I might just lib here foreber.

We are in Bermont today, we bisited the Unibersity in Burlington and a couple cobered bridges because they are famous for those.  Ob course had a big lunch, and here in Bermont they put maple syrup on eberyfing, which is awesome!  Baxter had bacon and eggs, Rueben had smashed taters, Fish had a salmon florentine, Barry had apple pie and I had a club sandwich (are you in the club? Frilly toofpicks?  I’m for ’em!) and all ob it was better wiff maple syrup!

We hear Bernie Sanders libs here, but we didn’t see him.

Fanks Shirley for the Bermont bizness – we didn’t put maple syrup on it because it makes eberyfing sticky.

Hai, it’s Waffles!  Guess what? We went back to trabeling again and headed to Delaware for Internashunal Bizness, and we got inbited to take a sneak peek at the Fire & Ice Festibal in Beffany Beach and all the fancy ice carbings!  It was cold so most ob us wore our hats to keep our heads warm, but our hands got cold, especially when you touch the ice.

The best part? They let us try our hand at carbing some ice ourselbes. I decided to make a dragon (because dragons are awesome), and guess what else? It actually turned out pretty good! I mean, it’s not professional, but I’m proud of my little frosty dragon. It took me about elebenty hours and lots ob snacks to do it.

A big shoutout to Shirley Loftin for organizing the ice-carbing experience—it was such a cool fing to do. Fanks for making our trip eben more special. We are headed ober to Bermont tomorrow.

We are home for now, but still hab some trabels to do. Mom welcomed us home wiff some pasta, and we were happy.

Hai it’s Reuben. Guess where we are today??  Texas!!  It’s berry rugged here and lots ob cowboys, so we thought we could be cowboys, but so far it’s not working out great. My brothers are intimidated, but I lub it, and can be in charge ob horses no problem.

Ok, I gotta run, we are on our way to dinner where we will eat all the great big fings in Texas!