Guess what? We met Larry – he was checking people in to the Sparkle room at the Unicorm Conbenshun. He’s a cool dude and smelled like peanuts.

Dis is the best time eber! It’s amazing to see many ob you here – we’re so glad you could come. It’s fun to be in space again for such a momentous occashun I guess they had the conbenshun in space last year too, but we were just born, so we didn’t go. Ebery table habs two donuts towers, which is awesome.  They habe little donut holes stuck on top ob the stick because ob grabity, the donuts float away if you’re not careful. We hab met so many other wonderful unicorms, the spaceport was super busy wiff arribals today. Our agenda is packed wiff actibities and games and the buffet is open all day! There is a group of unicorms dat opened a sparkle room dis year, so we are going to check that out soon.  Ok, we gotta go, the first offishul meeting is about to begin. Enjoy the conbenshun and hab a safe trip home eberyone. Peace and lub and donuts to you all.

Pssst… dat’s the unicorm creed, but I fink they got it from President Fibbs.

Sparkle on you crazy unicorms! Happy Unicorm Day!

(Ebery unicorm conbenshun is immortalized in a magnet, you can find dis yours here:  2024 Unicorm Conbenshun Magnet)

All good unicorms hab been waiting for dis day to come… and the wait is almost ober! Unicorm Day is APRIL 9ff! That’s today! The conbenshun is coming soon and eberyone is buzzing about it, hope to see you there.

(Don’t forget you hab to know the password, and hab a pre-existing reserbashun at your local spaceport to ensure proper transportashun.)

Do you hab FOMO? Did you know there hab been more than 1000 exclusive posts on our Patreon page since it started. Behind the scenes, bideos, Marty’s story, Bonus Fish photos, and eben the secret password to tomorrows unicorm conbenshun! If we make you laugh or bring a smile, please consider joining the fun and support the boys ob MMH!



Dis is taking a long time, I might get a crick in my neck.

We hab some cheap knock off eclipse donuts, the real ones were sold out, which is disappointing because it’s really all about the donuts, but we are ready to start watching. Are you? I hab to go get my glasses. brb.

We got to relax today and finally enjoy our March Ratty Box wiff our bee friends. Did you know dogs and bees can smell fear? Well, they didn’t today because we were just happy and habbing fun eating our sumflower seeds and playing in the new tubes and stuff. Could we BEE any more excited?! (dat one was for you Maffew)
We always lub when the Ratty Box comes to our magic box, fank you Ratty Box!

Last week Dr. Kebin brought us some Randy’s donuts, but mom and dad ‘accidently’ eated them all before we could hab one.  But we are habbing a fun time playing wiff the Randy’s Donuts Playhouse.  Please relax and enjoy as we present “Randy’s Donuts Playhouse Dinner Theater”….

Waffles:  ‘Scuse me, is anybody dere??

Baxter: Yes sir, may I take your order? How many donuts do you want?

Waffles:  ALL ob dem please!

Baxter:  One moment, I’m going to hab to get a bigger box….

Happy World Rat Day from Waffles.

On April forff ob ebery year, the goal ob all is loud and clear. Treat all the rats as the royalty they are – wiff lots ob treats and lub afar. Whateber we want, gib it freely, and let us watchI Dream ob Jeannie wiff Major Healey.