Remember when we sent mom to get us some skeeti? Well, she got some, and I’m going to make it. You want to know how? First, bring a big pot ob salted water to a boil. You should probably hab someone halp you wiff the stove. Then when it’s boiling, put it in, but be careful not to burn your fiskers ober the steam (maybe you should hab someone halp you wiff dat part too). Wait a few minutes and it’s done. You can pinch the noodles to see if they are finished. Be careful on dat part too so you don’t get burned wiff the boiling water. Actually it’s probably best just to hab someone else make it for you.
Chapter Elebenty welcomes you to our hall ob greatness, we hab getting the bizness from Bince ober at chapter seben, they hab been teasing us about our agendas and pamcake syrup trying to instigate a chapter war, but don’t mind them, we will just keep going on the high road and doing our bizness wiff our superior agendas and vast syrup selectshuns.
Dis is Fish, your Gramd Pumbah, and I am berry proud to welcome eberyone to the Secret Order ob Nocturnal Water Buffalo (chapter elebenty) offishul Pamcake Breakfast! Please form an orderly line and come and get your pamcakes! Butter and sryup can be found on your tables. We hab alot ob bizness to get to today – so enjoy your pamcakes!!