Fanks for your patience while we went off to our secret locashun to work on ‘Baxter Wiff a B”. As many artists do, we went to Europe to be inspired and get our creatib juices flowing. Our first stop was Madrid, and we got lots ob work done there (and a little site seeing and Internashunal Bizness too) We spent alot ob time in the big park acting fings out singing the songs. It was pretty funny because people would look us funny, but probably they just didn’t speak English because our songs are great! We did hab one problem wiff Reuben – he kept running to the chocolate store, but we didn’t mind too much because the chocolate was soooo good! They also gib you churros to dip in it.

It’s Baxter here, reporting from our secret hideaway. Fings are going berry well wiff the show, but we had to take a break today to wish a Happy Birffday to Reuben!! It’s his birffday today and we are habbing a little celebrahun ob cake for him, but he will celebrate wiff all ob us next monff in our big birffday extrabaganza too! We lub you Ruby-doo!!

I still can’t beliebe dis is actually happening! “Baxter Wiff a B” is going to Broadway is a dream come true! But between you and me, I’m berry nerbous about it. As prepared as I thought I was, now we hab to make it happen. Eberybody on deck! Fish is going to do the choreography, Waffles is going to direct, Barry is building the sets and will be the backstage coordinator. Reuben is in charge ob casting the extras, public relashuns and running the box office. I hab to work on the rewrites and polishing the script to get it perfect. It’s alot ob pressure so we hab to go into seclusion for a couple weeks to get eberyfing ready for our Broadway debut! We are going to need lots ob snacks and all ob your good thoughts and support!

Please be patient wiff us during dis time, mom will make sure you still hab plenty to look at eberyday, and soon we will be back and ready to bring you the new Broadway sensashun “BAXTER wiff a B!” – Baxter (King ob Thursdays)


We got home from trabeling and shared the news wiff our parents, and now it’s time to share it wiff you!

Some dreams take time, patience, and an unshakable belief dat one day, they’ll find their moment. Today, that moment has arribed. We are beyond thrilled to announce that after a year ob dedication, passion, and relentless pursuit, our Broadway producshun ob “Baxter Wiff a B” has officially secured financing and will be coming to Broadway!

What started as a bision—scribbled in notebooks, brought to life in workshops, fueled by unwabering determinashun— I will soon step into the spotlight. Dis journey habs been one of resilience, creatibity, and my unbreakable spirit.

To eberyone who has supported, beliebed, and championed dis dream along the way—dis is for you. I can’t wait to bring the productshun to the stage and share my magic wiff the world.

The dream is real. It’s happening…. Broadway, here we come!

Hai, it’s Barry here.  We are back at home in Califorbia.  Before we went to our house, we had some bizness to do, so we stopped in Hollywood to see if we could find Augie’s star on the Walk ob Fame – and we did!  It’s right in front ob Randy’s Donuts (not the one wiff the big donut on it, but the one on dis street).  Fish wanted to bisit the Hotel Del Coronado, so we also did dat and saw a beautiful sunset.  Now we are going back home and we can’t wait to see mom and Dad – we hab some berry exciting news to tell them!

Fank you Beff Mergogey for the hometown bizness – want to come join us for donuts?!?!

Here we are in the Big Apple on Internashunal Bizness, and I’m taking the opportunity to bisit Broadway and talk to some producers about my show. We got to see seberal shows and go backstage.  I neber knew how much stuff is backstage and how many people are inbolbed in making the on-stage magic. There is some buzz building about “Baxter Wiff a B”!  There is an electricity in the air, you can feel it in your fur and down to your toenails. Ok, I gotta run, Barry got us a taxi and we are headed to second dinner. Fanks for watching!  **jazz hands**

Fank you Dr. Kebin and Kristen for dis New York bizness!

It’s me – Baxter, King ob Thursdays – and we are in New York City today.  We are here for bizness, so I am taking dis opportunity to get “Baxter Wiff a B” in front ob the producers to conbince them it’s the next big fing! Broadway is so fun, wiff all the lights, shows, music and excitement.  I’m gonna make dis happen.  I can do it!

We are going to hab a great dinner tonight too, there are so many rats here and they gabe us tips on the best restaurants. If you are in Manhattan tonight, come find us!

Don’t go they said…you’re illegal and not welcome they said…you could face fines and imprisonment and maybe eben deaff if they catch you…  But we laugh in the face ob danger, and we went to Alberta anyway!  It was a beautiful and magical place and the danger made it eben more fun, but we kept mobing and didn’t stay too long in one place. Serpentine!

We shopped a little in Calgary, but didn’t want to risk staying for lunch.  The scenery around Banff and Lake Louise is so pretty.  It’s too bad they don’t like rats there, because it would be a great place to lib.  But we enjoyed the snowfall and then got the heck out ob there before we got into trouble.

Fanks Dr. Kebin and Kristen Caron for dis Internashunal Bizness!

It was great to see eberyone at the pamcake breakfast dis weekend at the DoubleTree. After we finished up wiff the pamcakes, we went to Mississippi! It’s hard to spell it, especially if you hab a mouff full ob honey.

We went to seberal cities, Galena and rode on the streetcar, Tupelo where Elbis was born – he wasn’t there but we saw his statue, and our last stop was Oxford, where we met up wiff Holly Gentry (who gab us dis Internashunal Bizness) at Ole Miss and learned a cheer for the school, it goes like dis:

“Hotty Toddy,
Gosh Almighty,
Who the hell are we?
Hey! Flim Flam, Bim Bam,
Ole Miss By Damn!”

It’s berry fun to say because you get to say a swear.

Fanks Holly!  Now we hab to find a place for dinner, it’s the souff so I fink eberyfing is probably buttery good.

One ob the best fings about trabeling is the free breakfast buffet they hab in the lobby and they usually hab pamcakes! So dis week the Secret Order ob the Noctural Water Buffalo Chapter Elebenty meeting will be held today at the Doubletree. Sorry for the short notice.