I couldn’t wait until tomorrow! Here is your first look at one ob the new boys…
Oh no! MD had his hands in the way!
The train is on the mobe…. The Camada contingent is just about ready to get back on the train and start the journey to Oregon!
(Photo by Georgie Gemmer)
A berry common tale. A call comes in, “We had 2 rats and now we hab two hundred and elebenty!! All these rats and they keep habbing more rats…. can you help us?!?” Dis is what happened to the Vancouber Rat Club on a dark obercast day, and their rescue heroes sprung into action! Eberyone mobilized to sabe these rats. Sebenteen moms who all had lots ob babies, but we need to find them homes, they said! They got them all to safety and took care ob them until they were ready to trabel. Some were adopted in Vancouber, but we need more homes. Send them down south to the United States someone said – so they did.
Wiff lots ob teamwork a great rat train was formed wiff wonderful bolunteers to help the rats trabel (because it would be really long walk, and like eberyone knows, trabel juice is not easy to find during Cobid). A bunch ob the rats packed their bags and were driben across the border to Best Friend Rodent Rescue in Ebberett WA, where they are right now. On Saturday, some ob them will trabel again straight down the map to Grants Pass, OR to a chapter ob Rattie Ratz Rescue where three ob our boys are waiting for their new Canadiam brother! Once they are united, the train will continue and soon there will be rats distributed all ober Southern Califorbia!! You get a rat! You get a rat! Eberybody gets a rat!!
FANK YOU to all the great people that helped coordinate, transport, foster, and all the work it took wiff this big rescue effort – Jayne Stanfield, Ratt Anne Olive Stanford, the lady we can’t talk about who goes across the border in top secret, Mary Jarman Karr, Ashley Donnel, Laura Rakestraw, Amanda Frost, Forest Higgins, Ena Roque-Vizzini, Molly Michaela Darling Roque and eberyone at Rattie Ratz, Joanne Gemmer and the team at Best Friend Rodent Rescue and all the folks at Vancouber Rat Club and Vancouber Animal Services! And to all the people that make dis happen ebery day all ober the country – and all the countries. Those who foster, rescue, transport… You are all HEROES!
The BIG Canadian-Bay Area Rescue Adbenture is coming up soon! Wiff fanks to Rattie Ratz and the Vancouber Rat Club in coordiashun wiff Best Friend Rodent Rescue the Marty Mouse House Class ob 2021 is almost here. We are so excited to meet them!! Please watch our little teaser bideo and join the fun!
There is a ratty transport train coming from Canada down fru the west coast (WA, OR, Northern CA and Southern CA) if you are interested in adopting some new babies along the route, please contact Jayne Stanfield.
And if you like the artwork, you can buy it on stuff:
https://www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/70964621 (black) / https://www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/70965048 (white)