
I couldn’t find a sock, but is dis tube good for Mondays?  It does hab a solid structure, but is also soft.  Does it get snack serbice?  Dis Bert.

Scenes from the rat train trip…. from San Framciso to Oramge County.

After 8 hours on the road, the best part was delivering the rats to their forever homes!  Here are a few examples.   Finn and Karen Grant (top) and Bixby Knolls (middle) and Minae Noji (bottom):

I fink I hab magic powers – I got mom to mobe the litter box from my faborite corner.  I hab extra terestial powers!  dis Nickels.

No mom!!! Please don’t put the litter box in dis corner – dis is my faborite corner. I fink you should put it somewhere else. I am staging a protest.? dis Nickels.

We just got to our new house and are getting settled in an exploring the new digs.  Our first meal was scrambbie eggs… I fink it might be pretty good here.

When we arribed in San Framcisco to the Rattie Ratz annex at Ena’s house, there were 4 cages ob babies waiting for the next leg ob their adbenture.  The boys were waiting wiff their other brothers and sisters that came from Grants Pass OR (under the care ob our great friend Molly, who you might remember from the last unicorm conbenshun).   Dis was the first night we were seeing them – so some you will recognize, and others you will see around the Internets too on other accounts.  So here we are about to start our big trabel adbenture!

Fanks again to Rattie Ratz, Vancouber Rat Club and Best Friend Rodent Rescue for all you do!

Pax (belongs to Karen Grant) on the left

and Pax in the middle ob the MMH boys here….and the hoodie you see is not Chip, it’s actually Finn (who also went to Karen).

This little cutie you can follow on @RatsHaveFeelingsToo – I don’t fink they hab been announced yet, so I won’t tell you her name.

The Beez



Finn, Nickels, Pax and Bert


Finn, Beez, @RatsHabFeelingsToo, Bert and Pax


Nickels and Beez

Prepare for an onslaught ob cute… as soon as I can get back to my desk!  For now, please grab your inhalers and behold the cuteness ob a sleepy Chip!

So now you know… It’s (from left to right) Chip, Nickels, Beesley and Bert!

Available on all things, shirts, mugs, aprons, etc. And while I was waiting for them to come, I revamped the whole store wiff new fings and so it’s easier to find stuff! This design is all the fings!  Check it out: