Well, we did it! We habn’t learned how to make trabel juice in school yet, but we found a thermos in Milo’s closet wiff some unknown liquid in it, and we drank some. I don’t recommend drinking unidentified closet juice as a general rule, dat could be bad, but we showed it to mom first and she sniffed it and knew what it was. So we trabeled to Michigan because we got our bizness licences from there already and we were anxious to see the country. We started in Detroit to see the landmarks there, and to see the birff place ob Motown, but since we still hab the birus around we stayed in the outside places and didn’t go inside anywhere. Then we went to see Turnip Rock which was way cool! The sun was going down and Bert got scared, so we headed home to hab dinner.
Did you know Elsie, MI is the home of the world’s largest registered Holstein dairy herd? We will hab to go there next time to bisit some cows!
Fank you so much Fran Hoffer!! We appreciate your Internashunal Bizness!